Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 24, 8 October 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]


NOTI€K Ji> C RKUIT«JB> of l*tcy Kahlwa Crr>«tv, Oeoea«edL Nj,uct J3 i3t„rcbj t.hat ; a!J creditors o? Lucy NahLwa decea!»''-tl p-- xr.' vr sc:-i'l their elaime, dulv vcrifjed and lwith proper vouchers, or dul>' auth(.ntscat«d <■*>_£<;*■* th<. rrOf, , ! tTie cla!m or r!sims arc &pcure<3 Iby mortg&ge? < *<nī j.>roperty. Ito Uie undersi£ne<! or W H ' at M.s <'*?r;ce ?n thc Burns 1 H!!o, H»wats, wlthir Trorv. !be dair of 1 tfw> flr«t p«t>!!cat!Dr! <;>f thi« nolie?they vrlTl be for®ver barred. ! «t Hīlo Hsvs:!, this ( tt!* day of Ortober. A. P. 1941, I d»f, L. M*jrrsy I A«lmīnl^rator iOet 8. 15, 21. 29. f«M!