Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 24, 8 October 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]

Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres

HILO Today only "DANCE HALL" with Cesar Romeor and Carol Landis. Tomorrovv and Friday "TIMK OUT FOR RHYTHM" with Rusy Vallee, Rosemary aiul Ann Miller. Saturday only ■MILLION DOLLAR BABY" with Jeffrey Lyrin, Priscilla Lane and Ronald Reagan. * Sunday and Mondiay THE GREAT LIE" with Bettc Davis, George Brent and Mary Astor. Tuesday only ' FORCED LANDING" with Hiehani Arlen and Eva Gabor. PALACE Today only "THĒ WESTERNER" with Garj Cooper and \Valter Bronnan. Tomorrow only •desperate CARGO" witt Kalph Byrd and Carol Hughes Friday and Saturday mailnee •PAUALUMAN" with Fernand( Poe and Mona Lisa. Saturday evenlng only "OSANAKI MONO HATA" witt Sa\vamura Sadako and Kands Chizuko. "MACHI NO TAMASHII" V-itl Kazami Akiko. S«nday and Monday "MEN OF THE TIMBERLAND' vvith Richard Arlen and Andj Devine. "RED HEAD" with June Lanf and Johnny Downs. Tuei«lay on!y "Af)AM HAD FOTTR SONS" witl Ingrsd Bergman and Wamei Baxter,