Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 26, 22 October 1941 — Army Trains Medical Officers in Parachuting [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Army Trains Medical Officers in Parachuting

' • O. 8., Aam Trained medical men are being prepared by the U. S. Army for service w!tli pirachute lrw£s, t-o jump with the warriors in maneuvei s and battle and set up first a;d slations in combat areas. The meuleāl men sTbo"WA tnspectmg a 'ehule already have joined pai-aehute battalions at Fort Bennia& Ga,, f nishin£jthejr <iuallfyji3mping course. I>eft to rsght: Lieut, John K. Wa!sh, C3iarleston, S. C.; Lieut. Harry A, iV&ams 4 Hanover, Pa.: Lieut. Robcrt F. Lamar, Kansas City, Mo.; Capt. Adanto d Amore, Youngslow'n, O.; and LleuL ] Douglas T. Davidson, Jr.. Wi)rtiington, Pel. .