Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 32, 3 December 1941 — Red Cross Gets Defense Chart [ARTICLE]
Red Cross Gets Defense Chart
WASHTNa?ON\ n O , The Red fis*><3 tT-.o Oftlvv of Ca*U ian JVfens*- havo jvso?hv! a-o!oar-Ty \loftrin£ tb<- -natīonnT on-sorgi-ncy v!\it?es of eaeh offnnlf.atsoīt i!osi4iuvt to ol!n;lnato mv«< k h »lupttoatton of oftor\ M Th* OCT», svn org«ntjj«UM\ r-d by M*yor lFiore*to Tī L»Gusr<tia of Kew TorV dt\\ i« wUhin tbc o? th« Offl.-c for t&nei%*ney Mftn*£r;v,rr.• a iv,jvr .s!: of tho
special gTOups set up to arm Am- j oiioa. suc:h as the Office of Production Manageinent, the Office of Price Administration. and the Ol'iiee of the Co-ordinator of Health, Welfare and Related Activities. La Guardia will co-ordinate the relation of federal. "state and loeal lgovernments engaged in defense actmties, as well as provide for nectssary co-operation with state and loeal governments in working out measures for adequate protection of civilians during an emergency. Morale llndt-r OCD Further, the OCD is charged with facilitating constructive eivilian participatiofi in the defense program, and with sustaining national morale. The Red Cross was defined as the responsible agen?v for dealing with relief of suffering caused by disaster both in peacetime anel during the cmergency. This part of its job will be carried out by providing food, clothing, shelter, medica! and nursing carc. The Red Cross will cooperatc with governmental "agencies- federal, state and loeal —in caring for and rehabilitating individuals and families sviffering from disaster 'caused by belligerent action cy medical service.