Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 4, 19 May 1943 — News From Boys, Girls Kamehameha Schools [ARTICLE]

News From Boy s, Girls Kamehameha Schools

By GLADYS GOO Memb«rs of tlie Alumnae a3sociation b«ld a meeting at the Kamehameha School for Girls • recently. The meeting was presided ove* by Mfs. Charles R. Bye, president; Mrs. William K. Espinda, vice-president; Misa Qwendolyn McGregor, secretary; and Miss Daisy Bell, treasurer. . Plana were discussed to have a party to weleome the senior girls i into the Alumnae association. Dāimer was helei in the girls* school dining hall. The newly-elected officeva, Mrg. Thelma Sproat Bugbee, president; Mrs. Ella Kapua, vice-president; MiBB Gwendolyn McGregor, aeeretary; and Miss Daisy Bell treasurer; will begln to preside over the meeting beginning in September. ■ .

Five members of the junior class of the Kameh|imeha School for Girl| have moved to the senior cottage, replaclng the seniors v/ho &re on pttrt*time work. • ■ The girls are Florence Akina,. Eloise Benham, ftose-Vivjan Kinney, L.orraine Nahale-a, and Ilon'a Wiebke. ~ Thesē gitls will be the first to live at the senior cottage t.he next school year when they will be seniors. The girls who moved down from the senior cottage are Luana Forsythe, Louiae Kaiwi, Henrietta Laeha, Audrey MacDonald and Iren Wiebke. Miss Virginia Gentry is in charge of the senior cottage at, the sehool for girls and is £lso instructor of home economics for the junior and :senior girls.

By MONA KAHAUEWAI . : Freshmen at the Kam-ehameha School for <jirls recently sponsored a fashion show. From the eighth grade were LŌrraine Kaina. who modeled a blouse and red juir.per; Leona Akana, a pink jumper; ,Dorothea Cobb-Adams and Mary Desha, two gathered skirts, and Marcelline Goo, a pink dress. Ninth graders. who participated were Lorna Beers, Rhoda Goo, Harriette Ellis, Phyllis Ann Paeheeo and Patsy Kanahele, who j displayed school dresses. Elizai beth Bierne told of the puppets that the class had made, Shirley Birch told of the types of new materials there were in the department, and Leinaala Holt gave a report on old materials and the use of them. Baby clothes were. displayed by Elizabeth Johnson, who featured a peaeh baby dress and bib; Mar- : eellīne Goo, a baby coat, and GeI nevieve Bertlemann, a baby jumper. , , . j Tenth grade partlcipants were | Verna Amoka in a blue . dress; j Norma Ho, a jumper and blouse; |Elizabeth Kauka, a green dress. i Milwarde Cooper and Drusillki | Milehell featured green skirts and i Eetty Lou Chang wore a play I suit.

Representatives from the Junior class \vere Justina Sarniiento, who featured a rayon dress; Lorraine Naliale-a, a blue suit; Marie Adams, a blue jumper; Charlotte Bell, a green dress; and Hona Wiehke, a s\veater.

Josephine Adams displayed her go\vns \vere modeīed bi' Haleakaia Hojjfein§ sa;d HameUe H\irley.

AU tho articles displayed in Uie fashion slio\v wcre nvade during the yoar Uie themselves.

Miss Bernice sonior, was rrVontly nam<\i tho vakxs\ctorian for the grsduat!ng olass st Kam«!hameha ?chc\->ls. Tn or\ler to t®fcāin th?g horsc>r, ono l has to haw the h\ghest schotastlc raUng !n thf> whote daiSBS sh*>vm hy ih<? rw>rds of th? studtt\ta* «rades <lwrtosr oo>irs<p of htT at K^Wf>h^rrt^hShf»« hoen s prom:n*nt o? tho <*wlor rtsu». hav* tojr VM tho o? cv- t >3:itorKn \fo?, for\vm ohih t*omioe has aW jw»r&\i th<» C!arko A\irf>sr\3 an<? \vris; tho onl\- n-;c:nWr of th? twe*fth grack to ho \>r. thc hfinor rofl. thoro !s īio **»ss ftt t>* for Vy*s tiwrr 4 Y >e rso sshatatorkvn thi# >vAr. t?*ar,t her vaJ<Ni*otory as<.h"oss st t"!vo or. May ?r>. Tho Aff:v> w ; " V hoia in tho k-W. ; ,V,>C!itor-'v.-r. | s U \>U\ UvirKVN> Helen \VAlkcr. MiilkouieaK, W; rso.\s T;*4. *»>! Ciai'S i>r:lcj,

sunior, were recently a'.":?irdrd athietic lett<?rs by M}sa Beatrioe Mookīni, physical education' instruCtor at * K'3tmehameha School for G!ria <3irls were on pf oo d sportsmanship and thelr "performanee in and ■ knowledge of var!6ifß sporta. ; r Girls who have attairted lettera during the past years and ar6" atsll in sohoo] are Gertrude Miller, »41, Laura Sahey, '42; Tslaine Hamie, '42; and Pearl Morrisoii;' '42. The letter is of hlue and white felt with the letters of K.S.G, I imprlrtted thereon. -By HELEN BEAMER On Tueaday May 18, the "KaI merettea" of the class of '44 at ithe Kamehameha School for Girls j entertained for a quarter of 'an hour. at the Hawaiian Electric Company. '-'Na 'Lii," "He„Nohea Oe J r Kuu Maka," "Hawaiian War, Chant," "Ku'u Home," "Imi Au," and "Nani Hawaii" are the Ha-. waiian songs that \Vas sung at thnt time. "Leila Kaumakaokalani Hoh u, Evelyn Keola Desh-a, Florence Leilani Akina, and Rose-Vivian Kahaleohu Kinney, are the menibers of the group. t l A year ago, the girls made their first appcarance at the Amateur contcst, and have been i contin'ually entertaining at and various school and otusid« activities. Jazz pieces, mvisic, and classical numbers ?re the varied program of the ''Ka : " merettes". This singing- is for the for. Victory Campaign whieh' is to help women to be better cooks and to help women eook better i foods for the body.

By IKELEN W VJLKEB , . Wedding bells pang recently Mīss Minerva K. McJSTicoll, whq was married on May 1 to Pfc. -Jame9 o'Doniiell at th<s _ Holy Rosary church in Paia, Maui... ,Minerva is a recent graduate oi Kamehanieha school for 'jirls. She, was gowned in frosted Qr<gandy with a fingertip vei 1. &trands of pikake r leis,, eoipplimented with two large wiiite orchids, composed her fioral bou<juet. Miss Ruby Pua, maid of honpr, wore a frosted hlue organdy gown sijmilar to tho bride. She carried a bouquet of sweet ,peas. Mis§ Pua is also a graduate of Ka,mehameha. Mrs. Edward Andersen, the former Mary MeNieoll, was matron of honor and &hc \vore a frosted hlue organdy gown. She carried a bouquet of sweet pe<is. Best man was Sgt. Thomas Catalano. A .reception vras held at the MeNieoil residence. The young eouple will make their home in Makawao, Maui. Mrs. James A'Donnell. is the Girl Scout Fieid Secretary in Wailuku, Maui. . While in school Minerva heW many positions. Somc of whieh are Girl Scout First Lā.eutenasvt, Glee ciub member. student eouaciilor, R, O. T. C. sponsor, silver pm, piii and I&iUoiml Honor soci<dty. >i* girls rocently reo nvfni Red uross oentifieāttes at Kamoh&meha School for Girls. The ecrtifkc&tes were presenleū on Fr>day April SO. Those rvceiving certiticatcs were Arline Akioa, Florenee Akina, Gyneve Asidrewa, Fiora Be-aiu«>r. Chaii«ltc BtiU, Eouham, C\arn K'l'.o. Healani F.vL\ 3: S»thelvvynnc. Chtt;\s:-H*v3. :o Ad*.uns s Loila Hohu. M vrul Kimuheie, Sdith Rabideau, Kuua!elu\ &u^S r , Vesu Farker, V,viaiT Kim\ey, Ilona Wkl;ke, Jus- - SAii-a;e»U\ IY;irl Sou«A, LauSahoy s lene I\Athbvirn. iAkv ;vsvd Lomune NiVh&k-a. IIU\V.UU> CIUSvS ilr. Unaiß G. facuit,v iu*aubci of K. S. ix» has i\vx x a c4 * letter from P. Ws,iau. a gr&«iuii!e Uie sc:uv>l :or ix\ys. who is .kow . &U£Kdins Ore®on Sutc CoUc£c, wlueh .s locAtcd in ,thc v>: C<jrvaHik la ias to Mr. Hud^M, ihe \\\'SU\r . > At Oor\sri< \v;Lh. a'/. thc swO'\v, i-, wh-.h <>£ vv,r tcrs ;r. oi tho®s lAtlt\sdcs.. s*3?« W*KM.

JHe also wrltes about the posslbllity of Oregon State "College's ' belng induded as an army trainiivg school.

Leopold hails from Lihme,* Kauai. Durlng his atteridance at Kamehameha, Leopold was a member of ' the -Big Six committee, Cadet Second L.ieutenant, Presidōnt of the Hut Olwl and,*in all, quite proipinent in school and class affaiT3.


Leading the Hni Kumulipo for her aecond year is President Florenee Leilani Akina of the Kamehameha School for Girls. 'Other officers are ae follow; First vice president, Flora Leiomalama Beamer, who is t<aking Lorraine Kealohapauole Nahale-a's plaee; Second, vice. president, Paoa; Secretary Josephine Kuualoha Enps, acceeding plara Kuualoha Brito; Treasurer Julia Kahookiekie St<?wart, who is succeeding lone Rathburn; Program Chairman, Healani Brugess, taking the plaee of Josephine Kuualoha Enos; and members at large are Elvelyn Keola Desha and Mr. Loring G. Namakaeha Hudson, who are succeeding Dawn Kapfualani Anahu and Gyneve Maile Andrews. These officers were se- " lected by the members of the club on April 21, and they will serve for the years 1943-44. Miss Daisy Healani Bell is the adviscr. ;

Other members of thig club are Kuualoha Saffery, Leila Kaumakaokalani Hohu, Eloise Linahaukapa*uokekoolau Benham, Myrtlemae Kanipuaikeahiakekuawahitie Prendergast, Marjorie Leinaala Millpr, Edith Kaleihikiola Ra- : bideau, Nancy Nahalelani Aea, Frances Kealanohea Chmgf, Katherine " Kahanohano Kekoolani, Barbara Kaluapalaoa Kekauoh»., Pearl Kaumealani Souza, arid Roae Vlvian Kahaleohu Kinncy. The purpose of this club 1s ■to study anā help perpetuate the culture of old Hawaii. In the past year the girls have becn learning to dance ancient hulas directed by Leiomalama Beamer. MiSs Bell, the adviāer, has also been teaching the girls the Hawaiian language and Haivaiir> n. cooking.


"We oan't all gīve washing maehines or toasters; neither ean we give washing machines; but —we at Kamehameha ean do our share for the "Anterior Poliomyelitis Emergency fund by contribUting our pennies, nickels and dinjfs." -■■■■. * With this exhortation, the sophomores at the Kamehameha schoot Giris started their campaign to co!lect money for the Anterior Poliomyelitis Emergency fund. The goal was set at $100.00. Class contributions so far are as.follow: §8.25, eight grade; $7.16 ninth grade; §26.03,. tenth grade; . $6.38, eleventh grade; and $10.10, twelfth grrade. This makcs a total of $57.92. This money \sill be \ised to he!l> provide equipment and other } necessities needed by those stricken with the disease. M!ss Frances Scott White. honw and training for parenthood !nstractor. is director of this drive. A»e* ?ind Miriam Crabbe of Hilo ehairman &nd ?orh»irmsn respeotiwly. j Thls is th* second drive of | whieh the sophomores have had j charye, the first be!ng the Christj mas Seal dnve whieh nette<i over ia hundred dollars.