Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VII, Number 16, 16 April 1909 — A Hawaiian Cyn Dictiornary. [ARTICLE]

A Hawaiian Cyn Dictiornary.

Pcipcj-Ulu—A large iound *'puy; nobed" sort of banana, known as '■he plantain. It is about 3or 5 inches long. In oklen tnnes, in Hawaii nei, womea tolks are not pertnitted to eat banana, except Popo-ulu and Iholena. RENT —A rcnt in some-one's purse who has no domieile ol his own. CIGAR—A weed that sticks to the lips' HONEY Moon —A period when new automobiles are put on their maiden trips, MELON—Reci as fiie —black as e \il—white as snow —blue as the sky—and sweet as honey. CONEV ĪSL VND —Rabit island at Hilo, Hawaii.