Ka Lahui Hawaii, Volume III, Number 7, 15 February 1877 — "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," [ARTICLE]
"Safe in the Arms of Jesus,"
{M&ko lem mau lima.) 1 Safe i& the arms of Jeeus, Sofe ia His gentle breast, There bv His love o'ershaded, Sweefciy'mj sodl shall rest. Hark! tis the voice of aiigels Bome ia a song to mn. Ovcr the lields of glory, i Over the jasper sea. Cho.—Safe in the arms of Jesus, j Safe m His gt>utle breiist, j Tli«re bv His love o'er shaded Sweetly my soul shall ros>t. 1 ; 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, j Safe from corroding eare | Bafe from tlie vi)rhi's temtations j Sin eannot hnrm me there. j Free fißOm the bli<;ht of sorrow. Free Jrom my doubts and. fears ; I Only a few more trials, ] Only a fe\v more tears. 3 Jesus, Mv hettrt's dear refuge, Josus has died for nie ; Firm on the lloek of Ages i E\ er my trust shall be. Here let me wait with |)atieuce, Wait till the night is o er ; "\Vait till I nee- the uiorning Uieak on tho golden shorc.