Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 158, 26 March 1891 — Violation and Derelietion of Duty. [ARTICLE]
Violation and Derelietion of Duty.
The receiit murder in Hamakna i s one of half-a-dozen similar cases that have occurred iu Hawaii during thelast year. The sheriff ofthat island haS not ōnly neglected to take any measures to bring the crim inals to but has published reports tending to hush the matter up v that were contrary to well known facts. The energy displayed m this case and the strange inaction is hard to explain o any consistent with~a Just allc j i m partiai admiaisti:ation of the law. The ofhcp;rs in Haw.aii and ēlsewhere are too mueh in eoneord, being generally members of related families. The harmony be gotten of mutual interests enables thcm te second eaeh other admi- | rably, and to conduct the business | of the government and the courts | without frictk>n. But what secTi- | rety have the people for th eir rights when ono officer forms no eheek on the other, and ean depend un having his acts, no i matter how nefarious, npprove<l Iby his colleagues in power. We [JiaVe had too niueh of this kind of j i co-operation. ' ■ . -♦ • ♦ ——-;■ :' ■■,