Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 185, 4 May 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That a relatlōR-in Uw M t?u* isUiegr.sted wiili hjgli 1ī£© srid O go into the busim.-ss» \ - Tbat Plaeo gyt ux»8ft ss soob h& got to Maui—dne to a weak a®<l to couseqnent" weak kneen. . - That Mawhal SVilsr»n has sIiov/n .himseif woTtiiy of his office. Thafc the anx:etv abo«t the d<Msired 5ĪKy-day chaiiges in the civil serviee sevorely tries the health ami iier\v&T tbe Minister of Finance. It i* m dift;eu»t tyi pjeastt everyl>ody, m<»iu Gott! Thnt .a ivuge maea meGting will takci })iave tl"iiK Awk. ; Tiiftt from the gmugglers ashore i to thcfi<-'. at!op.t have been go:ng on for - !: pagf. ■ That*'hogomy" was committetl upon two yoiing boys by young animale ealWl inen, in the mission district ol Kohala fonnei'ly under the dirept teaeliings of p»Btnrrf uf th« A. B C. F. M. TIiq,t the Sheriff ōf Hiio takes criminal Ia,bor iroru government road work ari<l uses it to bycott free labor. That as a reK»ilt the Ha\vaiians and laborer are vowing vengeance againat the adniinistmtion for »ilowing this to be done—whieh is just what the SheriiF is working for. Thata emall sail cra(t dodgcd in one -4&y into Thur(?ton or Smoggier'H Gove» dropped arbox overboard whieh drifted on U. the beach; a native man and woinan pieked up the box and fonnd 150 tins of opium, whieh they paeked into two bafig arid threw into the they saw two haolee coming out of' a eab whieh thtai hove m gight; that the shore pirates lnlnloi.! around for awhīle and asked the natives if they knew'of a box drifting ashore; that the native plead ignorance } and wlien the pirates lēft, dove aTter the opiararwhere He and his wife had left it, au<l tlien sold the boedle and bagged tho apoile. Th3rtrthe tourists t j Mecca's shrine are to be entftrtaiued at Waialae Eaneh, by the genial Minist-er of Fore1gft Rela* tion.s. With the a«tutestatesmanshipot our joung Premier, no i'ear n3ed tertained of a rupture of our foreign reLtt:oas. ~ TnatThurgf6n Oove cr lle- | tr*>at will be connected by triaugulatioii l wit.ii the Kilaaea IIouse. That the.P. C. Advertiser lias only jnsfe £ound out that there is opium smuggling going on somewhere within a hundreti miles o'f that and is justly lndignant about it; and that the Bulletin is mad becanse the Advertieer was ahead oi that paper in making known thfe iact. Tliat " mammon is a Syriac word me;;ning richcG. Tnat it means that *' Ye cannot serve God X , and riches." How many of the rich brethren M'ho i>rofess to tench in our charches are willing» to give u;> nehe» and trust God. That a chauge in the Chamberlain's Offlcc will suit both the Queen and the •. people. That apatrol Waggon in the ni>rht is now necessary. That the Marsh«l had better drop the opium schooner and look after the night hawka who iiistarb B«retania street at night. That suspicious lookiī5g craft that the M&rs)ial was urter tvaa s«en oti Makena Ute oa Friday nigfct l)y the Omāiw. TbU time ghe had ā tjo»t iowere& Th«tijMi Hawaiians like. the Chihese iearn, iike other natkmal< itWs,th€mee bl That the Chimse liRvt to thank the phUaathitjpkv efiorts £ngland in forcing the deadly drug upon that unwilling natk>n; and that H*w*iians h»ve to thA&k th« i>hi> lanthropic efforts of the gospeliers in opening the w«y for the drugto beintro~ duced among them, That the natives and thehr true friends are of the opinion tliattlie only way.to eheek thehelli&li tmffic is tu lieenae the sale of opium, or gP5m* the poppy as ihe Uhinea» are ēom* pelled to do. - That if this is doae the good people will then stea in with a pet4tion praving Bothat the business wlll l)o kept on as it ts ut preseat %