Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 186, 5 May 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That Fran*~ v jiria is to be Sheriff of Hawaii. That the orofit6 of opium is de alising the lahor market on the islandis'. Thatone o£ the pursers of the Inter'' Islan(l Srrested for / peddling without alieen&l That Purser Gi - ey retires fro»a the* opinm bueine£sg wilii a compct£nev ; and tl:ut he proposes to buy a wlle arid fariu :m<l gro\v the poppy— on ihe iiīrm te be *'<u'n ! ■ ■-■■■■* ■ ■ ■ -M,.ilaine Pele has bankcd Iver u;ulv r iiistriictions from the ShertJi' t)f iiinvaii. unlil tbe Quee;i arrives at whei: she will V»e mt liberty to sho\v ir,er good wiii to\vards their rcyal gUPBt r hy a .jrrsnd t? ,splay. 6f rmtureH f3re\vorks-v The Si:erifiV pay is ,to« s.:Pi;ll for eveii an ordtnary i>yroteehnic display. That Judge Bickerton wlll hold forth in Tacoma, Waghington, nhilst his pay wiil go on in liawaii, ali tke same. Tliat Evans'. cas3 is postponed- until_ atter tlie departure of the Australia. That James Hardlx)ttie is going to su percede Wannamaker on the 15ih inst. Yery proper, very proper. Tiiat tl;e new PortSurveyor of Kahnluī has a botfcie' shaped telescopB through Avhfch he peers into the arid sandhills around the Port of Kahului for opium, in doing whieh the poor man has besn bliiided. lleavy etraiu on the eyes thi.s .t«lecoping after opium. That there was a thrill when thename Terriil, wag seen on the bill, of those who U*ave by the llorseterriSler. Taat, the Sugar PUnter Babv Preacher togf?ther \vith the Major,K.A., are booked to go 'oiae to hold Hingland hv tho Australia. We sympatliise with the young of darkest Hingland. Tliat our good Queen wishes to see th3 great Oamellia refiect thn lady of the footlights; Lu.ī as the Premier has f-een the great Sarah before he urges businesb before pleasure, and points at the j.i:o. That Sheriff Hiloheoek—notwithstandmg his aversion—is in a state feverish extitment on aecount of th - pari whieh he has to fire off at theMarsha', 1 remier and t;ie Queen. That the old war hulks will again be put in commissionj with U.e ram Kaimiloa as the iiagship. Orders will be issi.ed from the Navy Deoartment dir<?ct in ;.of Setioii with the opinm iieet. The Oabinet is ui:decided whethēr i o send tlie Admiral, the Comiiiodore. or tho ('ook, or the three together, in eommaiul. That to overcome an impediment īn speechmaking on the part of those go r.g with the Queen, mannfactured wili bt? given bv the quantity through the phonograph, closing \vith a hym» by Prof. Berger. That opium peddling is tolerated on tlie high seas under the that got intolerable about slavery souie years ogo. That the Finance Minister mist:.kes his own notior»s of obstinacy for {irmness of character, petty spite for distributive justicfe, inertnessior design, and stubborn bl n ire;s to facts for d:g» nified resistance to outside pressure ! That,tUe Bulletm to b; branded a.* *humbug" en the i;epubticaa racket. Shame on t-he whip'ped eur! That somel>ody is curious -to know where Sam was on the cd ol May. Sam» Samuel, yuu ah) "getting to be bad, and Madon't kuow it. . 'That it was annoonml (ro<ii tlie &\nctum saiietorum of the P. C. A*fcthat the P. M. G. would lcji\e the ne&t by the Xiiu Polen i'st vēr!oren. tl*e l*remier and t&e th6uglt bol. very loying towarvb one an®ther, propose* to btirv t!ie hātchet on 4heif trip as waiters Majestv tl e Queen whogoes to meet, otiU-*ls on Uaw.u . wiio have m,uuiu»d U) su {j. scril» f2OO for Her rviep:loii. V * •- ■— the net proeeeds yf th<&. KvH)Jau ojnum gave f XXX) a pieoe to eaeh ot the >ix : >iooktK)Utvr» in tho bifc?inesiC