Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 203, 28 May 1891 — THE TREND OF GOVERNMENTS. [ARTICLE]
Lord Saulsbury_ at a political gathering said, about two years ago, that in five years time, there would hardly be a ruler then in Europe, orj its legitimate success©r, who would be seated on the throne of their ancestors. When we read this prophetic speech, we readi3y saw t he correctness of the British statesm an's opinions, though drawn from <lifferent sources. Prophecy has already foretold such a change. The unanimity of pro%ne and prophetic ptudents in the near approach of these peculiar clianges is what may r.ppear strange to us now. To the prayerful and inspired student of I)lvine history, the time when these and other evidences shall appear, ean readily be ; l>y a elooe eomparison of currqnt; eve«&b with the sure word of pronhecy. As in times past, so will it ever be, that men will develop, perform their part in fulfillment of God's wili, and pass away after their al?oted tasks have been done. It was left to,xlifferent men and at different periods to make certain discov-! eries for the use of mankind, not becauseof man's greater superiority at one period than at another, but in accordance with a superior power, a power capabie pf producing these effects by the slow proceßg of natural evolution, or by its Divine will, | and that power is the Creator, the Great Architect of the Universe, whom even the humblest and least learned of the human family in6tinctively acknowledge. By the mails we hear of a man | in the employ of a service entirely at variance with that of a teacher wliose profession is to teach the advent doctrine, a second time announee, not by simple guess work, but by deep research and study from prophetic and profane history, his unqualified belief in the soon appearing and fulfillment of the Ghristians hope-—the world's Redeemer. Lieut. C. A. L. Totten, of the U. S. Army, a man ehopen as a military lecturer in tfee Sheffield Scientific Hehool at Yale, for kis ability and scholarly attairiments, by his government, becomes an humble and fearless witness of the truth of bible history, and boldly says that the end of the world is near at hand. Men moved by inward conviction lead of holy desire to do right have been chosen to be the witnesses of divine messages of importance from God to his creatures. Moah was a man called of God as an examplc of righteouBnesB to the ante-diluvi-ans; for one handred and twenty vears he was a preacher sent to the imgrateful man to eall hioi to re pentance fro:n hia ungodly lusts; the warning voice and the holy and unwearied example during th«B iong period was daily set bcfortthe people of that age unheeded untii deBtruction swept them in the hardnoBB of their unbelief. John tho Baptist, had a message to proeiaiiu b«fore tho ch«»en people ot Gud, as foretold in the spirit of
Elias, as a forerunner of good and evil to them from a Benefieient Creator of his love for his creatures through faith in a Reedemer ; who was soon to appear as a propitaition for man's transgression of God's immutable law. The truth was manifested to the Jewish nation in the flesh and for whieh we have as a living testimony the scattering of a whole nation, whose history and marked distinctions of charaeter 110 one ean deny. Since 1844, we have had the Advent teachers, proclaiming what they elaim from the Bible as the last message to mankind of the close of probation, the purification and rogeneration of all things, dating with the second advent. Spurgeon, Talmage, and other eminent preachers, have ealleei the attention of the Christian world to this momentuous fact. We believe that the nex"t year or two will bring out more advocates of this doctrine, and in the same ratio a counter delusive power, such as contended with Moses before Pharaoh. . We are strong advent believers, and we have received our doctrine jjfcb grace and by faith, confirmedby a close and prayerful seeking after ttie truth. More men with the spirit of the prophets will, we feel assured, crop out here and there endowed with the same fearlessness for declaring what is right and opposing what is wrong. We expect, among the urifulfilled j#opheciesv a change in the constitution of the U nited States to take plaee in a few years, and the power of the woman in purple and scarlet and gold set up for a little while; a fulfillment of the last verse in Dan. 11, by the Turks being forced to retire to Jerusalem as their last stronghold by Russia, when the fiffel will eome about inthe manner described in the first part of Dan. 12, beginning with a scramble for that territory just vacated by the Turks, and termed biblically the king or kingdom of the North, the culmination of whieh will be the setting up of that fifth universal kingdom that will stand for ever. We hope that our readers will see and embrace these signs in the same spirit as we do.