Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 203, 28 May 1891 — A LITERARY ARTIST. [ARTICLE]


Monday the Bulletin 6tarted out in its oditorial eolumh-' on tae 6ub« ject of Queen Victori&'B birthday, appearantly, and after meandering around unsteadiiy for a while wandered ofT into incoherent t«radl>dle a)>out politicians ruining the country, eivil-dispoBed soribbl#»rB, and ihe elements of the usuai Johnsonian editorial in a badly jutubled BUte. The style of these esdays is like the contortions of a broken-backed cehtii>ede, We have stisp6eted ever ainee a certain u cat" article anpe»ired that the niitor was writing under the inspiruimn of cthi/l'h}/>linTidc. vulgarly tanlUit the atock*hoUlers should intcrfere U» prv>tetl their linaneial intcrcsU by | <rt*venting h\m frotn writu»g cditorial« when the tanglo is on v