Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 208, 4 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the sale of sugar stocks did not reach the expectation of the hopeful ones, but was sold at what some people anticipated would bring since McKinley 7 s tariff law. soured on sugar.

That they. blame Wilcox for conspiring, as an excuse for getting prepared at the Barracks and other government buildings in case of an uprising. The real cause, however, is the meeting openly held by the sorehead~oflicia!s and decapitated ministers, who disire to force the Queen to abdicate her throne and allow them to dictate.

That Samuel is practising pugilism on his brpther-in-law John, with the view of meeting either John L.Sullivan or Peter Jacksou.

That the price ©f of>ium is goinec down, and price of kerosene oil isgoing up.

That another murder has been committed in Hawaii. and foul plav is suspected. There isalways foul play in Hawaii. It is a very poor murder case that the "family" ean not make $3,500 out of. It cost Wing Wo Tai that mueh for an indulgence policy. That Hon. Sam'l Parker. differs from all other ministers, in tbat he objects to have his relatives appoinfced to public positions. Ttus is probably the reasou why an altercation took plaee between the cousins — That the new lawver 12 being appreciated in Honolulu, and proves the way Hilo and this plaee ie run. ——— That John McKeague haB entered a suit against the firm of Grinbaum & Co., for alleged nonfulfiUnient of agreement. That the fire at the Kerosene Store House, was due to a misapprehension, on the part of some one. He is about as eane as the eow that caused. the fire that des* troyed Chicago.

That the Hui Kaiaiaina held a meeting last Tuesday at the old Armory, to a slim crowd, due as stated by a member to the beiief tbat the meeting was for the purpoBe of making arrangements fbr a puhlie reception to the Queen. We are sorry, but it is nothing caore than what may be expected uuder ezisting circuinstanct i s. That some i benighte«l reader $f the Advertiser thinks he lirst liiecovered the squalling nuisance around the palaee yani. I«et him read Ka Lko and he wUI have no eall to kiek: |we arc the aborignal kicker.