Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 257, 12 August 1891 — BARK THE GALLED JADE WINCE. [ARTICLE]


II \vas oulv on Monday last that >ve resumed the publication of our iCnglish page, wherein we told some wholesome iruths, (however, unund lo, —bright and early on Tuesday morning, the sieepy aiid semiclefuhct old Advcrtiser ae seized with a spasm of wakefulness; in the eourse whereof it irida!ged in «aeh ra\ings against our use of t r a th as only the truly good people of tbe missionary fold ean indulge in. If there be one thing whieii that guild,. more than all other things, dread and protest against. it is the truth. when told eoneeming themselves. All the old ideas and proverbs as to the beauty and «acredness of the truth, have been turned topBy-turvy in the livee, dealings, and writingB of the holy fraternity here referred to. With as eool effrontery of MaehiaTeli in protesting his tr«thful disposition, these lambs of the Puritan foid hold themflelves up to adroiratioii amd their critics to eontempt and opprobriu!h. We have heard it said of individual liars, that they had told certain lies so often that they had at last eon- j vinced themselves of the truth of| what they at first invented. If the missionaries and their jouriiaiistic mouthpiece in this city have not experienced similar eon•ilUion, we ean vouch for it, only the latter of them is lacking. For ]f the reiteration of untriiths could <jarry conviction to those who utter them, the clique and mouthpiece >.ere alluded to have had ample -easons for being convinced. ! It is simply dishonest in the Ad- j Tcrtiser. to prete»d that it u takes j the liberty of wholly disbeliving" I irhat we said about the protest against existing conditione by the Hawaiian orator oo Kauai. The facts were published at tbe time in this paper, and afterward reiterated by the gentleman'e own statement inKA Leo, asd also in the Adifortwer Company'ā own Hawaiīan daily &nd commented uppp as truth; these facts arereadily acceseihle to all in search of truth. But as above intimated, trath is the )ast thing the Advcrtiser. or its pious patrons. wish- to find. The bare idea of tliat organ in search of truth i8 too funny. In eueh a eearch. that diskoneet old entity would be sure to go blind folded and in the darlc, for fear of making <3iscoveries. We have hcard of a tramp looking for work, and praying he might not find it. When ihe A dvrrii*er begins itB,seftrch for truth, it will be with the same pniyer on ite lips. ROMANC£. , «ample of journalistic mendaeity.comj»end us tothe staten:ent in the Adrcrtis(r t thaf the appointment of Mr. Smith (Ivoroancsque, Mott-»Smith) ae Minister ofFinnnct\ '*has given general 6atiHfation/ ? If thie statemen,t is to be at all credited, beconfined, in its -

|. ' . # ■ ■'. [ plic«tion, tbe cliqiie of |Queen and Merchant Streets, whp I represent the '*saclc, n in thi« Usack M |cur«ed cour.try. To fiay th«,t | Mr. Mott-Smith's (with a h j r pen v I pleese, of 3ate) appointment jb sati isfactory to any except those who ! are opprobriousiy knowo as the miBsionaryAfaction, is to say what is wholly untrue. Tn "facV the natives, and ali the elements of the body politic o«t" side the gilded circle of the missionarv eamp, feel net only disgusted, but insuited, at the importation of a hyphen-ated Yarjkee to fill a vacancy for whieh there were and are Bcorew nf filigihle iiiPn, hr>tli no. tive and foreign, whose domicile and ihterests are wholly Hawaiian. If the Queen were advi»ed to make eueh appointnicnt, her advisers deserve po!itieal damnation, prompt and certain. If the .Queen made eueh āppointment ofher ōwn perional ehoiee, it is an eloquent eommentary upon the change wrought by misBionary lu.aus in her lately pr©tested, consuming aloka for th« welfare of her own raop, and determination to second their just aspirations to a fair share in the government of their native land. If a foreigncr were rieeded, in God'6 name, was it uecessary to go to the Back Bay Distript of, holy Bostoß for a candidatet Have we no residente of foreign bi rth or parentage who are competent to h«>ld. or deserving of tkat office!. If not, let the Queen. «r her advisers, whiehever and whoever is or are responsible for the appointment here eomplai ned of, pnhlish Uie aBgertion of such unfitnesB and undesert. If there are island reeidentB, eligible to such appointments, what excuse shall the app«inting power render for ignoring them in favoring this non-resident Yankee, whoee only interest in this Kingdom, for years past, lias consisted in drawing an ißcor.ie from the fruits of our delectable peon-labor system? Viewed in any light, theappointment of the gentleman, who parts his name in the x middle, and hythe same, is an unpardonable affront to tne ? electors and tax-payers of Hawaii, of whatever race or color. Is it possible? Weleam from the Adverciser, that our eßteemed enemy, Mr. Thurstoo, hae gone to the Goast, to boom the Volcano |louse enterprise, and generally to indaee travel to hie hash-house on the mountain. But the Tiser rather contradictB the foregoing promise of benefit to the hash-house, wherein it states that "Mr. Thurston is showing in connection with this volocano work, the executiv£. ability whieh was displayed by him during his tenure of' office." Oh ! Lord, save*the unhappy stockholders from a 4t di6play" of that particular brand of *Vxecutive ability.'' * 'V. !