Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 259, 14 August 1891 — THE ADVERTISER. [ARTICLE]


We make every allowanee for the natural ahtipathy m our eontemporary and the anir he must feeJ at our revivieation 3hi the English language i The editor of the said organ in question soraetimes honors us with his notiee. anel ās liis paper is ess.entialiy an advertising sheet, we have felt some meas\ireof gratitude for the notorietv and cotisequent popularity that his attacks have produced.

But we do not approve i3f the Advertiser's style; it is-reall£ coarse and ungentleriianly. It is true he says for "lie " as preaehers do. but such epithets as "hlaekguard, ,J 4 *vile," , "noisesome," 4 bbscene" "lilthy" l 'dirty," &c., are his most usual weapons. When our Etiglish ceased throuJh the infamous persecutions instigated by the Advertiser faction, the o!d termas;ant eame out with a whole volley of abnse, and having exhausted the vocabulary of vituperation at its command, wound up with a quotation from Bwift or some ancient author who wrote before the development ofmodern ideas ofdecency. The Bulletin joined in scolding rashly and in casttng; mud at the retreating foe. - ,

When we choose to write we ean command a larger audience and more respect than either four rivals. We kiiow that the legal machinery is in the hands of the enemy and that it is actuated hy nalaee, spite, jealous)\ rage, envy, natrcd. We are dogged, worrie<l } harrassed and threatened in eveftr wav possible by cowardly enemiest, who on no account expose tbemselves to danger v because we show their former and present treachery to the Hawaiian [>eople, disgnised as religion, etc. We stand approved by tfte peopie. They buy our paper at the price of our two detractors eombine<l. We haye been acqinttrHi by a jury of our oountrymen in spvte of the united efForts of uiissi©narie3 anei their svmpathisers. It mjiy be unlawiul to-tear the eloak of law and piety froni h v po-* crites; it may l>e that \ve are pro|hibited by law from oxiKv«iing ti>p crinae£ of these people ; it inay thst we are fe;ired aiul huted bv tho«e that have bad conscienees and eharacters to preSiTve; bui we

ehall stili strive to be a Voiee, a Conscienc«, and *a Light in iliē • ī>arkness.