Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 301, 14 October 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That the detective force are all thtoirn Ont to the fn>nt, like soohtß, to sceat out thē opinm robbers, in the ineanwhile the raseals will gēt the signat froD i their contemporaries ashore t ane will step in through the haek ports, and thus evade the posBc sent out to intercept them. land all their bboty ahd again skip the eountrv.

That the breikkwater now bui£d- j ing at Wuikiki, is a monstrous job i and jb&s ail the appearajace of being | <**»*••• up, \ about the clumsy appearance in whieh H k Wdg handled. The fcaliy by the finanoe Committee of the next Legi3lature, will probably give the numerouB barreie of. lime and <>ement that did not go intc the strocture bat pereolated through the sand at Waikiki. ; - Tbat Mr. Bou'ler is sai)guine of his eleelion ns r»oble or represetitati ve. throuph the Oatholie vOte. us thv kmmhu ill love him. for the wonderful goo<l that ho did for them in the diin p«st. That it ifi a national debt as eyerv one knows; and that iw>ither Wileox nor Bukh stand as gtiod a show t shure> §o the kdies say ( and we believe tbe ladies know all about it