Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 317, 5 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That female orators will btnii}p the etate this tiaie.

That opium smuggling is~now a government monop6ly.

j That it looks as if our ministry played second gddle to the Bank«

. That there is no scarcity a of "Piineea" in the Paradise of the p3flīfif* 1 OiVc|ZV«

Tbat thelaiest land grab is said be on the garden island. Crown Land leased o«t. Many natives are noticed to vacate.

That it is prophesied that when the proper time arri ves, the Peoples J Party will all be united and stand as soiid as a stone wall.

Tbat ladies will be allowed t.o vote at the next election. That is if they swear to beeome soldiers and sailors in time of xar.

That honnie Prince Arehie will be made governor upon his return, and that he will be sueeee<3ed in his present office by a man named Jim.

That aunty Konohiki Wideinann has a horrible gaul to have his monopoly name enrolled āmongst honest mechanics and work:ngmen.

That a proposal is made to tow the Hawaiian Island over and anchor them alongside the Mes of Java,—oight conts a day and eat themselves. "No flys on that

That thc Xative Bons of v Hawaii met Tuesday eveninK, to a slim house of eix membeTB. This asso* ciation is composetl of a few Hawaiians, undeiS the patronage of the Holowua .newspaper.

That ihe F. (-. AdvQri»ser is out with a would be- spiev aeeount of the troub!es of tho poor bonded slaves from E wa. Former einplw?«es from that plantatiou sav tliat scalping of stouiaehs, and tiiea*fine" racket is worked there for all its \vorth.

That it true, that on an oeeasio;s of a poiitioal nieeting in the Hall of the V. M. C. A v dnring I*B7, a Mr. Hatoo», avoweil that (Jhinese were to be preferred in this oountry, 011 acc-ouut of r«iHgion alone» over i J ortuguesi-? ThiB from a person supposed to be whitr -m not bad, —but per)uips lt is duo to that person.« iuiagii\ary relationship to thu Kmp<fror of Chum— matrimony.

tiat if hUie Oftuuot writo imporfcBnt editoriāls hims6lf, it i&> nv»t p;uatal>ic lo Ihe puhUo to n*a<l the com;>ositions of in oartain high gov«rn u\ont ofiioialj wbos« prede» wssor madi» himHdlfl obudxioUB by siruilar offioioua intQrference in th« polilio&l affairs q£jklje day. A wrho ohtmnB ; by fr*K»<iutent l>romiaee, ought W c*rcful !iow atUck» kaderf% of au opposition l»«rty. ;

All • «II of ! That the idle Chiiuege in iown say, they want to work on planlations at a living rsrte of T?ages; Eotten Balmon and No. % rice. No savee alie same. , . That certaln po&tical back numbers are trying to lead sl fosion of old parties, but they cannot sueceed. The oid National Party will compose their differences and carry their party hanneFS to success. '■ ■ ■ i < ■-