Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 319, 9 November 1891 — The Beagle Smuggling Case. [ARTICLE]

The Beagle Smuggling Case.

l While aowia are making the effort to encourage vißitors to eome 16 Hawaii, others are doing their bost to prevent them. We are f©rcibly reminded of tbis in the trumped up allegAtions made by some obscute person, who eanae here from Aua* tralia, and we»t on to San Francisoo, with the view of obtaining some authority to charge the owners of this vessel with something. This idea was left behind, and has evidently received credence by the credulous and lustful. and authorities of the government has heen called in to do, what seems to us, an nnusinil act of interference | an<l meddling with other peoples, | aff;iirs, without any substantial evii ,dence for this ; nelion. This govern- ! ment has a costly lesson before it in thc Madras case, wherein there was some cause for the steps taken to suppress the freedom of that vessel. While this case ie entirely different, the vessel being as *ppears from evidenee, to have reQeived her ciearancepapers, #Pse ©n the pomt of procfi«ding to ses,when the owner of the vessel Hpere «Usnmatily suintnoncd before our! poliee tribu6«t on an aHeged at- . tempt to defraud the government. because these gentlemen had »pent ten to twelve thousand moreor less, in American and Ēnglish eoin, in a j libcfal rnanner. for their expense3, | while they and their vessel were in j Hawaiian waters. The vessel was ! detained in eonsequenoe of this! actiou, an.d-.we' undersia : nd, that a search mis ordered and was l>eing executed, when the Minister of Finanee stop|>ed the whole procee<lings. We further hear that no money in huik has heen lbund in all the search thus tar made.