Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 320, 20 November 1891 — Kalaiaina Meeting. [ARTICLE]

Kalaiaina Meeting.

> ■"uiulerst.:irid ' fronv:lh'\ c.olu • - ul' llio P. </. A<l\vrti,- . who i- .at all rj»lated to u.-r, that the H'i.*s Lnecting wn? vcry im (do youaiiderstand"' \vhy, ( !eph;is ?) hn. Mesers \Vilcox, Nawahi ■ i - !;ush were not thcre, though - "1 l api»oint xl Presideni was : . ith a eoponil s guard. And 1^... Jie I'i'esident w'ns not ee.uipe- : i: t to. c.xplain him.sclf on thc su)>-j'f.i-.inthe platform, ;ind th r „t ho ; .>:ined in spirit bocause lue al)ove - nr:.omott were not there to lcad .nd in.givohiin understandins:. *A •jx>d toi!, bnt a poor Prcsident. ■ —■ ---:■ .♦ •!■■*