Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 353, 25 December 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOllOE^ LADĪES wishiug their ieatlierp 4kye\l br eīeaned and curled ean have it dom» by MKS. WĒRTHEKN. 103 Bewtan.;i Street. LADIES wishing to purify their eoinplexion and cradiate tan aud frecklc* wiil he instacted bv MRS. WERTHERN free o£ charge. 103 Beretania Street pa*t the Armoir. 317—d3m* Pablic NoiieeKmm all men by thla noiiee that hom and after thie date, f iiavo this day dis» eharged-Mr. H. C. Ulnkoa» from actixtg asm āgent, for me w any *hato- - ever, latii«oli«ig® and adminifitratkA of all duee and Mnla upon any and all my estate in fcfe» king&m. Any 0&4 *hqbolds or k in poaaeeaoa of any pronerty <«■ who M bostese or payraenta t» iaake, wOl tke s»me with »©personally. at g» p|** at Honna«ah», at H<huhqlq, Uuih. KAHOLANL per J<is. Hon«lula Nov* 3, 1801, TSE PA('IFIC NO- - W()RKS, A. HKl\lXl v Propriotor. Uniif:utakkB ai.l kiNt.»s Vm;vin£ and Turning in < x r !\i%rv. Polfeh]ng ot'Sho!U tkncy Fi\Vv«o IU :>airing anO Vleaning pf Mu?kvJ lnnr«monK :i'vl anv Light M«chit:ery E)tx*trun*n>\ Maoh?nisvs j*ihJ lx>ckV snuths. ■'!%, ī ns!nunent>\ >!odcls\ e< t... io onlrr. :isa lr<8!, : 'j:V2 Kan !?. !-} M -45