Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 354, 28 December 1891 — That Waikiki Bridge. [ARTICLE]

That Waikiki Bridge.

| We regret to see our able cotem-1 i porary and political opponent the! iP. C. Advertiser, after starting in on the war-path with the laudable purpose of scalpinff, without any discrimination» the pafties thati bring odium and contempt upon our government T and who help to despf>il the Treasury, turn back like Lot's wife, and heeome an inanimate p!llar of salt, without Jbhnst savor that has been displayed in the editorial columns of thatpaper. The lame apology in its editofial comments of for what it »aid_ in reference to tbe Waikiki Bridge, the way the w.ork has beeo done. the manner of pieceing out the work, in order to favor certain politicians arvd ]x>odlers, is asetback to the esteem, in whieh we began to appreeiate the efforts of our cotemporary. We were feeling that we had a co-worker for good in the P. C. Advertiser, in the field of politics; but alas for the fallability of human nature, onr hopēs are oozing away not so tnucli as to the prmciples of the editor, as it is to the power that governs him. Wo believed that he is eapahle and wiUing to honor the estate to whieh he belongg, — the Press, — and our faith and sympathy is with him, we hope the time will eome, wheo he will have the privilege of advocating and maintaining his editorial views without being tied down, and madc tu swallew distasteful facts against individuals after they-have been onee told announced. £ great deal is heard in regard |to this bridge w »rk. It is said that I a prafesgioaal and experienced imason, was so disgustfed with i what might be termed the plunderingaway the cement is supposed to be used and cbarged, that he left in diBgust, and that thousands of barreis of cement liave been wasted. It appears thp* f be policy is "after us tbe deluge." The appropriation for the work, we also hear, is long ago exhausted, and that money is being used from other appropriations.