Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 359, 4 January 1892 — A New Minister of Finance. [ARTICLE]
A New Minister of Finance.
Wo hear £rom very g*od auiho» rity that Hon. H. A. Wideniann ie appointed Minister of Piaanee, and thaLho haa appninted his son Ctf) Widemann to be a Clerk in his I>epartment. Wbaiever mfty be «aid aboai thc new minister, he is generally verv prompt to look out fos hU interestB and thoee tbat am and dear to hiep. Well why not f Eeho eaya: WTi y t THd gomecannot be said o£ bi« pnteor, it is said. 1» ao !W«d or doif% r%ht for feav of Hb bemfc r*marke*i, that &6 wofbld rather appoirt a nomination offh« major t or aome boon oompa* nion Oiaii one that wouM gait the people.