Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 361, 6 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Kog*rty" Kaahkn», say«: Be jab«rB, bvw, I never want to be a ioj€>r. Haahter—Why nol, mi soa ? Kojrarty—Becan», l might git kil» toreiy by the inemy. I'la»hter — \nd whow the inemy, Jobu ? Kon»»ty — V«»n amalhon. Poo*t yoo uo, that lln%b aod Wilcox ie the ine !uy xn Uoodtors. Ne*l. That Ht»mo |iromitieiit haol« law» yers (profetteioa*il politiiVt>K) will be nominated by thc £tont> Bowl-<ler-Boolowan-winp? of tho M ick-Ka&-ftic onion aa th«*y eall ii, §Lur»». That a bullock wa v ghtored at ,tialua for ihe l*K»f «-«i ra, who were ln MtntdAi>c« on th« Qteen, im her tour lo toat di>frivt That the new ''eeknHl" t>om M.iui iiiul, Hrigadi«'r «»f' t»'-<? Couri, ia a eulliMnih i u fact. ht a g«lar Bu< k-in ahaii;. I hai a yc*uiig hi:u e boen offomi a i<ominaiioi:, us QuaeniUi. but prvf«rt lo Showa hit goo»i BMK f. J
That a Porpoise, is neither fist ,j tle«b, fowl, nor a good rod x herring. That if the sale of the liquor by retail, ia the law of thelaml, favori tisrh to licen«es shou!d be abolisned—righis again ! That thc ehief Admini6trator of tha sardine*box, is willing to repent, provided the dear people will | trust hiai another two yaars inj ofiice. | That the Hoodlers aro beginnine j to find out that fooling with tfte peoples iaterest will not be tolorated, j and the result of the election on! ■i . ■ .i Oahu will prove it. i That er-Marsbal Kaulukou is not foeling very i brilliant, in regard to his electioo āt Koolaupoko, as the time draws near. j He feelB*tlkē the fellow just before the battle. That the portfolio 6f Minister of Finance has not been handed over yet, butis to be aa aoon as her Mqeaty retnrna. Tbereappeani to be & hitch about the pronotmciaUon of the n i&ie, whetber it will be with a bypher», i.e. % Wide-mann,-or not as waa the ease with hyphenated Mott-Smith, That the Rev. Kapu of Koelauloa was propooed as a Queenite re* preeentAtive for the I>egieUture for that DiBtrict. 3ut the gentieman is too mueh of a man to be bannered aa Qnaenite agai«st his oountrjrnum'B interesta er their ehoiee, andhaa refoeed.
That Captaiu J. Hoee, is a popnlar candidate for NW» wiUi the Hawaiiana. That though th« Captain has aiways been blunt and straight forward the native recognize?? his Bterling qualites tind ig willing to trust ram at the preecnt time t when they are loolcing for trusted men to repreeent theua.
*n>at the Hiii Kalaiaina waa again to be troitetl under the wire hy ihe Meehaniea U nion agminBt time, bui it waa discovereSl that the left hind leg of ihe bent had refused 10 wori ftom an injury, on account of the right kicking again§t it, and ihe re6ult waa no meeting fbr the two aaaoeialkme.