Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 367, 14 January 1892 — Correspondence. [ARTICLE]


Wetio aelb«kleene^^Pinn^^^Ne piprt«nl by fwn«pi4«l». Rnnv»i KA l4»>li an «ditwial in Xhm V. l\ A4* tirt|pir of Jaa. I i« U« f«U«wii«: **Tb« Haa. Ilark Mlwmi k ««. Āwlliilly yitii 01 tko 08riptiral ptini»ipl« Owt a M« >woi tea» «oeOi Um» «Ma wlMi ahMi a llligttiitfea «Ii Mi.MliMI *!*?. W« 4»! MIMwiIM Mr. Miww «tt oMp«tlafiMdki «r rfßei>H n liami fbc nel |

Ct» !h« Aav«rUier mmn nmmlU» one M of cup*»fior i4gi«k:iv« iifiliiy by Mr. Matk Robtif* sot* dur!itg the «Uting of thf ft»nn l>gislnture. Mr. IMhw» b**iug reu« ly at >H tim«f t » voU*ay« 4? aay t«* tH<» of thc n*forni tiiis īouhlle** hm: k*d thy■■.Vl\t-rtis*»r' .*<txy and cnu«iHi it to Mr. Uotjm*ott a jJolUi<.. m. Tfcw»r. Mr. "f?o--hioMMi carryins u ?reil «I'\ 1 liwi* vitr naek t!i<; »»t}i»r thif\»rto-

nutc iMmii laies niake* Mr. Rabin .«on orwf >f ih« -uhr{ ni»m ysa know; and of c »«rs« f*r tuore r*B>|Kt -leMe than >īr !iu*h i'o. aro nl:«:we<I tt» ho. Whut a ?i:i it is to iN* )>oor! ir«tent;ons *re rc 'i re. T»k' tbe ?aint, wiio * ? thc bis \rei}. fi!lc<t Mek [ . w> vm PAT - !

Ki»!TOH KAII":— I Thte ?tomir.ulii!£ Mr. C. 'W. j A*iiford *or ih xt rc bv I Lilx*ra! l*iirty, !«:« «;aus<«i an-! othtr lxjrst of Ihal jwx v aliar reli« i gtoim ch;iritv !lttle kr. :>w -*nitsule | of the < o( r:»Wr poliiics ' 1 lir Advi*rti>ei - ?«opof d to %• otiifd anj tcanjjr(xi by professeil i'hri*t?rtn*. ajid at Ihe 19#tue - .«.» uiKi.r;<tinn mo<to of :i"owintf nuiehiīK» i»olitiral mu<l ct : nn;< h(t'Ānt sinii*r bejc&usi» h« J.:.d the tru« Uianh«\xl to I pep<'iit, ;»n i tryAo r«ctifv that d.»iunabW wrong «lone tavthe | when robbed of tbeir franchise, In | I the voU* f t ii' b!c«. The roM()er J wi ll m>dotantl that at the lime | th« nAttv< # wer* rnbbe<l, hā\e wrotig<-»l nb one, but were Jutt for the *ins vo»amitt' |ed by one m«D. ; l T p to ihe prwitnt time. there U i iMt on .r ofthos<' fwe arc h< !ior than) • thou) who he!d a hieh haml in that I ■ deviliah gam« praoticod u]k)d the! nativef in 1857. who h*£ ahown the| leaft de?fire ti try anJ undo tUej wrung don«, and it is leū for Ihe j out«ide wordlv sn»Her Mr. t\ \V ; Aahford to make the firft break i and ?how thoee 4, wy piou* oneg,'' j the o«mrage and 9piril ol' a true j christUn purpoeo. Go ah«*ad Mr. | AchHrd in rour good work, und i may the good God be with tou, in ] the.ji:ncere prajera of a warktnf-! i man.