Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 368, 15 January 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Thatit tbe tue I*gi*- i lature our aomin-law will favc»r» that noble body with the aons "a v ! <2u*en" 90 rmdered 4 few j year« ago at tb* opera Houee^ That wben our Premier had ibe bod elniwi fer tbe estincioa of tbe O.R R. whf did h8 p w tbe work to - ' , l*bat tbe Ita)ian Coos«l is aa active partici|Muit ia the ool)tieal movemeot whieh the Honolnhi mercba&Ui are direetlß|c agatnet tbe native Hawaiian oarty 80 is it noi aboct tiaoe that Poretgn natkme> #ere iniora»ed of tbe polstī s eal aetkm of tbeir ooneul bere. That one of tbe Meehanke l'nioa boodiers bad a eoft snap of 110 a day just for or*rloeking tbe Wai. kiki l>ridge )ob: and one of the ref>rm candidates for road board bad a on oement Cbarlev Mahope have toj an»wer fof all this t» the Finanee ('-amniUei» of tbe | nexi I.<*gialaiure. — -THat the ooople of Maui *īii Ue repre«ented in the F>gisUture by | a long-lejtged, gm*n eyed inanoottc. | i. e. Thurston w'll be eleeieU but his |evil geniu4 wiill pree«cie o*. 1 r anU ' dir*ct him. | ! j Th.it ihe Tuor«V>n-<'A*t »• A«i* |Vertiser foel >erv timl when tbt»y reeort to calumny that thry must knowto be ufitrue !cwardt tbe candidmtes of tbe \atima! Liberal party. That a££j*&Mal the P. C. Advertieer reeorta to calling ium<Han<i \-enting spken \m thoa* who an m open oppoAitioii to theni. I Thiit th« P.il'. Advertie»-r ue*tr ;explaiued to th*> puuii • tu a ; plit:s tothe Oahu pri*sn vcr- :nu lv That WuleKmmii -ay* t wīil takeateaniof inul** :«> ; »:! hiiu v»ut ot ilieTre4#ury t!i> t . n .i 4 ,. prinriple tb»t;two n.uu « s ■t«»:t > tck aiui tlut 1 !!• t r » hi* 1» . k~v ! V* JU«d waVe. j Ik that Au I ; ™~ t That no piain*r ;i«ln..<-..»n of I weakt»e*s andig\nlt eouli; :nade ithan the evident <«ar *4 th«» 1 \»hol:}y Ailianee of oiis» .njr t- ' l ium thnt thev wiW tre«|uire t<» nia ntain ! t)ieir |»oeition bn th«* nts;k> «%! th* >hs pi<>. Il?"t Piul hn»l run *o k***p j of tunUv«».ni><i»f !)»• nvl> # n*itlf Ihe wm«nf |««s9 i:or'P«i!. wbo owe was Haul. f*r ? » *v r«»u »1 g*t I " L "" * T' •• if fi * i KoK*r»u* «w? th«»v [ arv hkei> <iM»; o4TfVoir tl*gwr« ' ' * » » vA ..»» » i r%r ti :4 f ».,«i 4gain: t t» ba w*Hef ' * ; " * ■:* - IK V m- «v>ukl uo4 tk»Vu*e 1 ? v «*f Mikeiil 10 p9v»ving J « »h*r4o tt,i want 1 * wbe«% «bey * i <WUr* «Imi tibey \ *

TM tbe pww4 bft f»> NM«d tlieir ongista! pendteßjrm> fUfermem~ Thmt «ven t!ie eW k trie applia&e* from thedepot,on Kia|stn«l «oakl not m«iirrwt tbe |MU«)«>d t!mbs of t)M oooe oUltrart R«foroi Partr. The war<l raeket U J^U«. That MioUter Wid«iutM fay thrtVß «it q«itt t c.«mber of me- ' (luuun hy the nbbvt »roem* oC my pouod of flesh. Ai! heeaaee thebojr» dad n«I invile th* «y fmtmreh (oiM M S«p <r Koh - for the eemi<if electioe. Hal Y»hiYfth! That Boehvu aji if the hyes W Woftt for rmk hmnl. o»l drlre them sll to Mim in mi Irith jAi»tiii wlli, <kmtyr moimi' Thit "Oommoa £*®ee" m righ in iaving in his eommimiealiee to the A4rerdeer of the 12 iMt.« Umt the V. 3. ha» iwv»jt rr|mdialed a eolemn eontraet. «Weoam trcttam i me4e «itb InJians.amt weak (Mti(mi aiv imM im)«>Nn.