Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 381, 2 February 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
rRrN(!i!*J.K OF tii»VKKNMf£NT AN l) 1. \\V <teem ttiat tiil Ow#riinifnt bt» foumi«*l 011 the prin< i|>lfi> «f Lib*rty, K«|ffality m'ikl Frflternitv; *»<» ho(d tna(aH mni kr« l*»>rii fre«an<f equnl bef*»re th« Uw an<( ur« «>n<l w<><l wilii in&lieuahle rtjrht« to lif<*. to libertv, to prop«rtp. tn tlie ptir»tiit nf hn|»|>tn«Mi* awl lo M*lf-prot«H*tioii uie.iinH irbitrary iif»nce»itiratioi) of ftfmer, irm)|M»nfiii»U» wi«itii, an<t uufair <*«i!n)i«titloti. Wehe th;it jm«t fc«»v*»nmieut «xiht«< unly i>y Hm» mnM>ni of th<* l'eople. anrf that, wli«n it beMim(« nn*«n>Bary for th«* |»ui»> lie wel(arH, ti»t»y tu;iy at>o!iHh «*y f>rm» and «Ptahri»h moi* a<lYantag*oiiN ami eqtiitab)e «yi»u»m; «n«i. an th«» pre«#*nt Con*tittition of t ho ilawaiian Kin*%i«»m tyvs'vr Ua* htvi lh« aj»f>rovai of t h<» IVopif», but nie <-Habl)iHl<»«i hv intimi* dation an i fran<l for th<» h<*n<»fit of a <vria!ti « ia«4 th«nsfore w<» favor the (t<lopf ion of h new am) mor* lib»ra) (V»n»titution, ti» trnly KH-un» a <*«>vernment o/ th<» lV»pl«», f>;i th<» T«»t»{»l<* an<r tur thf» IWIe. fNIIKPKM)KNCK OF THK ('< W*NTR V 2. Ou* itl «<«Nit<i<lt»rats«»ii for th*»nii..»risnt ' ritchu*aii«i prewitt oj»ini<»i.f i»f tl»t» n<* tive |»opnlat! :n. w<» «lt-rt«ire to roUin'the in<lepf»))<l<*n< < ** of tln'('<mntry »«n«l «leleml it" aut4»nomv. iiniicr a )iht*ral umi |»opuUr form <»f novernii)«»iit; hiit<»urTrtMt}e* with For<»ign i'«»w<*rf. an«i y**P»K*cialt witli the Unilel Stat<»?- «»f An»erkii, fhoul<! l»e revtm*<l. e/» t«» )n»tt«»r iu<*t pre<iHnt au«i t«» ohuii. more eqn'Utbl*a«!v.irtiiaKHs in ex«'hani£**oitlii>f»e grante«l hy u».
JIJ!>ICIARY RKFORMm :j- Our Jmltciary tiyrt<»Dß aml Code of imu«t be »übß»itted to a ti»or «»ugh re\Hbion. so aa to neetire a rheap ar.d prr»»pt adminiatraUoa of juetice fre*» of all ttectarian or pati«an apirit. n<i to J<*n<!er t)»e J t:<igeti more dire< tly vee|M>nflible u» the i'eople; an<l we are in favor of a m«»re liberal uiterpr*»tation oi tN»ni<tittitk>nal g .aranteee nf the free<lom of h anei the pretai TA\'ATION 4.A niore jui»t }»erfei't i<y»tei)i of. Taxation muat l»e inari#tiraU*<l. toah»». li»«h*th« premmt ineqtiaiitieti, hy whii-h tiie property of the poor tH-ex< a eiwively tax<Hl. while liiaeh of tiie ri<-h uianV IPwklm are nnder vaine<l for **r enttri'ly eeeape tasatirn; we rtiāll therefore <U*mamt tlw, i.f lawk that will more etftft tt»liy mibje(-t the j»r«»perty of i-orporati* na an<l ri< h ritizt*tiK t«> thrtir ju«t proportion «»f pnbli<* Imnlem». while grantin? inore lib<'ral exempt on« to the puor; am! ae a mean»> of <iiMvmr.igint( tiie lorkittir tip of larve tnutc <i( itß<'«Uu , Kto(l tial Ux HiwMiUi i>e iev'ie«l »n «ikiiliiiu t<» the uiuai uu vaituti<m wltM*h «houUl l»e iu prof>ortion t«» tlie fertihtv »»f the i««»il. We kliall al»io fovor |iie et». taii)iphttteitt of a gcra<Uiatei! iiUnime tax, aud Uhik expe<*t to ohtam am|»k fan<lt< ( f«»r <t»ii<im*tin)f tl«* foverumem ahd at> ten<ling U all neeeen ry puhlie impruve ' meiit«< without any further i-alln on the' niap**»*. MONO!»OUKS 5. \Ve »hall une «>ur efTorti> t«> oiHain laae bv w hivk all f*vorltit«m in Mtefz*«.'r <*rtiutent an<l all iiK>n«»poliee. ' trut>ta nim! privil< > tce«« t<» n|*»cial <4aww nhall be ten<lere«l iipiNiN»tif, bv ftill, deflniie mul uuiit«iatorv *t&tut**«. iTIWjr SKRVANIV. t». !U>tter Uwk (t»iouUi'r(*!Eiiiate the <*!• ,il Serviee. Tlte pnneiple «»f the
! ti«»n of oHieerp cif the Kuv«ratn«»tit by the people aliouUi be twUhlith««l. atid bo in*r. ihouiil Iw altowtsl to hoM iuorf than ont» pr<»Ht, wlwl»)t «houki U» g(U<|UHU\ (or thet&rvit a et> rt*n«lert*<l. All extfwive wiiari«*f fi;oul«l bt» mliu-eii aml ttll »in« oiir«*p or NiipetfluoiiM alK»1i«h«Nl. t'H*»TKUTI<>N TO IKIkMK..IXI)I'STKIKS 7. Wi» art- in f»vor «»f ettoMiragitiK aii home aierirultnrtt hii<l m<itintru»«, a»«!ali our nati\v produtU'. like ri«v, t*o6w, wooi. toi>ttrro. ><i|i»iil«l l»»' |»rot#-i*t«i an«l hv.|»r<ipi*r tariff reyuiatioii; atul alt«o it iimrt be the «iuty «>f the (»ovment. in itc « »mtra« tu aiNi other o|»eration«, t«« }eive |in'ū'ivf)tv to iuitio:mi |»ro> «hirtH «»v r if!iDortt*<l ontv. _... U K'A L SK!,F < i« A'KKN V!.KNT S. We «lf«;r«» a n»ort» )H**ral }H>iit y t«> war«U tl»t* «litfert*nt Ma'ul* of OielXM* «loiu. •»tit«i<lt* «»f <«thtt; thev hlkhiM n»> ct*ive a fairt*r |»ro|»nrtit»ti <tf th** puhiie in«»nfVf« (oi' th»' ilcv» lo|ni»wito( tl«*tr rt*#t»nm*n an«l t • *>ut<**facttrn oi tli#ir «anti>. In Uvt. t'«» )*H»t<-ij4s* <>( loea'», Si*h-lP>vrrm«ftit hn'Miitt*»f !itMy ch<«t«* tlt« , tn«M«t im}M>rtant «>f thvir !««%il ewuiiw oilitt*ri«. anii levy tax«* '*»r tite pur|»o9M* i 'i*al iin:fov*»ment- »f u puhih* naiuee. iH»iTK(TION TOTHK I.AiiOrKlN(t (MSSKS 5». \Vt* t*n«!orw «II r»:*ti«ure t«* i*i»prt»te Um* t<oti«Utktu t>f the workinie«'laMKH<. aiitl itmt>eqiteittly, without (iijurinn atty rt t»te«l »"iifht*. «e «rfll H«lvo«tite Uwh t«» |»ivveitt all fqrtbfr |mrt«twm «»r t*ni|»l<»ytnf»it of crHitraotlahor ol any kilui, ui»*»n <iMuiitioni* whk'h will l>rinif it int<» a r';im»t»n and •li'Kr.i«ltn»! «•«»in|rtiif«»n .vitt» free Hawai -i*h or whitv lali«ir. We vhaH aleo. u». the i iter» M «»f tht* hett«*r »n»t**t a tfCMi »»f the |»«»«.r. #cV f«.i tt»(ir«' liWr<tl extfitipt»on <»i tlu*ir prn»erty fr.M»» jpie on ex «M*uti«»n :»•»•{ fr»»»»i m*iz»ir«* iu l»nkrupt« > pr<H , et*«i , Htf.
HMALL KARM'NU ANO iiOMK 10. Tite weklthy fra4*tkm M ottr t»opttiavioii itave hit|«erti) |»ivrwit«d the «ien»iop> meni ofan inkiepemi«ittciaMi of niiiieu»; the pulMie Uti<la lt«ve Imh»i acquired anti have heen tied up iu a ftw liamU) or part«lied toj anil lavorttea, and aaiaii {ari»īt»r« and f»Utnters h«ve bt»vn <ir*ren Mtt or »MRbtiMiio<i« oi < opilam^; ottt aa wmall farroixuc fa eoaiitteive totfte ftahititv of tiie State, it »hou!d |»e **Mf»ar{tfee«i bv a n*w e»nl D»ont iil»eral j Mome«t*ad act, hy whv«t the ownert»hi|u of Pmell traiii of iand and the *»ttjie!M*!it thereon of fa«ff»ili«m ••f our |»ri*)«eut |»r»piilat «»>».—uū'l e«iNH iali >y <»f the tmtivt* iiawaiian» »ho itave l»een hrft alM«o«t hon»«iem in tkeren»imt ry-#i»oiiid »*• reiniered poea.hie. Ta Uiat end. ti»o uovernnient and lamin, 'iu m|» »c mn hi» <k*ne wiU«»tit iiivadinj{ veBf*<| righ«fl ) HhouUl hedevnl- - «d-aa ptwibte to Tt« »tne»tead* t . a;td couferre<l nt»oti i»*»«mrfUie settler» free of taxe«r*«nr $ lmiite«l period fttrther aim ««i Knv«r»> on«*. ao far ini)»rove tic» Qte«ne of tr*nppm tion,*-l«.«y,<*wtion. °! 1 » —**> i»r»»vid«». i2Y aKOne (lif|rictB, im££g3gfchn£ «Mwvevmg the f»rh«|<u*t of ifi&WTWWkrk<-U * '•LKCTOKAL KIIiOT ' 11 We H«M titat t*mtm aianhoiwL »>tui n«>t th« A weahh. arl>it!mrily as«d, «ho«id ecm«t4«i« n«tit b« v«»te i«»r nobfe*t &<• weli R9 rppw*ntiUvw. «nd m» mon» pot«t aiMHiUi he «HlmnM tn th« baIWH <4 tK« nih mtn thau t<» the halkH «f ttte l»oot niaii. The di»rrimiimtk>n in (avr»t of weahii ih»w mad« in*nur i\m«tttuti«)t) , Ule t»i«rm.l pHnm*» of rigi»t himl |w*ire ami mupt haalmlW wl. T<» thiv «ml, we w.ll fav->r a M in« <»f Ute pvje**nt «iieU» cti«m «4 wealUi i»nd <*la«pee whioh hleuiiaii «mr lttw* wiUi riiyift |rf th« riftht tn «4» (nr m» Wea, th*r*hy reat«»riiiir to tl»« native Hawaiknn priviWjrr* whk-li MUiin U» th«Bi ttt tiMfir owa co««lry, aini <»Avhhl> tltey iu»ve heen uhj«»#tlv det»rived. INTKKNALIMrROVKMKNTS 12 We favor the espen«ti*ure of «•i««t Mim» to MK*ure a iitiiulter of ne«»ie«l m\h)k' imf#<fWmet»t«' «4itttthu an«i «iti>er laiaiHie; *h«ol, raiin«d« and h«rhurt i aml whar\<«4, puhlie iifrht. and al*> a titoroujri» «}*atem <»f reeervnir» ainl water-worliP,i not only for llonolulu, b«t tl:nM!ch-ont tjlte oth« r !aian«i».