Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 382, 3 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
■. I Th«>;: fc.*.-|. t .--if ■p ; -^i|H|Lfft S/JS4K-A-S^ : KTA»S- > J->
Tbiit iii#f w«rJMiaftti4!i» *$» «§gfc * yf iht*v pfomk&* $* *&&: wiU» *hicti ll»« i|kiinmiy riīiifWitūtJjii 4dt»ge IIMM» y-. Aitd «liiei» %o«gr *»*»«?. &fu<rs49** Ihm. by i un> <Mtom .*•. in|Kttit«e. . ' <
That P»wi« «.iiv«itiu ott K. I. Tlwiuhs Wm« very Tto**i» k itol a nan m> ihM % *fau <mmi £, B* Th->:u** tu Hgurt»g ou a I Th«Niii»« UH» «du<S4Uoi) eiioOKh !o g£ #» froui thf i>««efMuiy <>f heui* i contrMet«.r.
1 hat 'D»iititgh.im in « "«ikl b>iti;" Uut thechii«ite whe p* ihe wmr«ct for Kr»ding Ihe ruiiway * veru th«r ot»1y lii4ders. &. B. To<« : inas MIMI whit<mati apunt haif «i d»y with Mr. Krugei in hU ©&<* hiokir4g ov«y tW »nd tbat whitt*ii;aii lettdeM for the *hoie Job. Whu is Iy tug uu* ?
T'nat Dr Kogern «nowi wh»t h* i« cfter. He h.it <!Ug»o*dd \IV *- ' aliouae'ē .<mi praved from what was tw«* jreart ago. t(ml ffetiry wi|i win The trouhie' wilh th« Deetor ii the deeltti« of the reioriii 1 »n«i iu n»r -rvnt oonali* tutiofuu 4e i*A u „* count.
Th«it for v, R*form" we wili pe»4 frnticjt)i«<« 'iiuAe w.ho gnre to He£>rtii. The Mberak are to <Jav ihe ti(>hold«rt of ev«ryihi«ig th«i w*i» good m tht? Heform uio7en»ent. t Vlwt tne RtiirejMfni»tiv»*B of ihe IA beral party for Hoooluhi ooiu* f |>ri««-s ihree tuechitn;c» ( one Usrrleler •i»J one prHctir«l *gricultaritt« • Kmy mttn is iod*u*«M!er<t ; e«ottl>le. Self oouimoi: iuml honesiy is gtamped oo their hon«H brttw9
.1 . t |k -«■ »— mOm* llii |i>|. ■ ' - t 1 iwr WIIUII ITTDBVf HfB Mlt U1ID« loaaa reqoirvtf hi« i*rv«et«ee itt ttie fUgil»Uii«, it Bh)ttlil b tli« )tc> ba*tiieM to k&tp h\m «mt.
' Ttwu RHbmi in 1887 |iv« tbe {tueti wb<» carried gnm a vote R*> | for«nin 18dl> «llli ataci«infU7 Pa 1 * dw|n »1 lU head t 10 t«k» Ihoi» p*of>lo« voft|» »<my. fNtltttt«en bnv« n »n. Doal rou» 87 afp»n! Th« musc)e i» here vel. ' "I)ohl fcrg*t it!fl
, Thm Newaian, PelMon are • nikMil tm the fojkherj «*f deprmttgfcr«igt»ew oftiirsinc)iiw, whieh firovei (hal Bob M«Tre and Howlm bngue «Meehaiille heafs no aon weihUm» %o Ihe huu«ft lahor Uniuu of iwo mn iago, thin a ehineao ehe h b|ii| | doe« t«B)ibop *CVr Benk. fhey havetrivd t» tr,«le »»n * r*agKct*hk ■*h:nV-all. \ .