Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 392, 18 February 1892 — Political Echoes. [ARTICLE]

Political Echoes.

A :n-w lV*rtuirue** pa]»er has been -tiirte«i f.tr poliheal purp<»Bej». and its lirKf in <levot*Hi to Hbufivp tirrt'l«M again*t Mr. Mar<jue*. It i§ undoubteHliy th<* work of «<»me wretche<] too! of the old "iniaHion.<rf" partv who are now aliieil with the H(KKllerf* I"nii»n (we use tlnß \vord ~n iisi«ionary" onlv in the «eni»e in whieh it haa lieen iinported inU» tiie political vooabnlarv), lt not lo lhe cre<lit of the PortugiWf»e Col' iiy that any one oould be fo»»nd intelligent enough iand yet eontemptible enough to &ct as a covert for the n.uddy thougbtfl of aome dismai clique of whit« nien h ho dare not !«'t t nani»'* ai>ppar

The .pq.rtiiguc*H* v#»te \s a i»)fHirtant ane. an<l th«ir attitnd/» in this cainD.;iKn will be watched with inti?re*tr —WtH~ they īp» their franehise intelligently. or \viJl ti»cy aliow thet.tiBeiv<m to be !ed hlin<ll v «nd ignnrant!y. t«> tliōir own detruction: The intere*i» of the I'ortvct»lony ar* i<lentical witli that of the native Ila<vaiiiins, anel thc ntlier fi»reign working cl?»8»e8, and a |»eriional canvHB(« has asgure<i our national leader» th«t a very larg« |M'rcentafre of Port;.;>ueiie *nt«i will b« c«pti for the Liberal Party, for they know oniy too well that the afeendency «»f any oth?r partv will open tb« flo»>d ga%e» trom ('hina and the Kast linlieM that in a f*w year« wi'.l dnve the PortuguMe out of the country. But there»re eheap nnd *ervile detvia gogucs anioi>g the I'ortugue»e, heade<l by a f»i b»idized lawyerfrom Ma<;no wh<» »re blandiv trying to w»io the vote •of tl»eir <-ou»itrvinen '»r the "n:i»»»i«>n:iry , '-iH»odlerH agKre* gation of poliiieianK. But behind the velvei imw of their He liHtive promiKes i» coneeale<l the elawH of a rice fed c«K»lie that will clutcli ihe meanp of rfub«iptence :iw.»y froui the PortugueHe colony. I:>t LuHitatiia be warned.

S.->ii>e of o«r n»whanic» are gomg to (x>uini!t »niriile: We inean pr>liticallv of courae, aml *v<» are haupy to §»y tbat tiiere are not »i»mnv of them. Tbe Meehani'■*. l T nioti. no loMirer a le;igu«! of crorkingt;)on t*onj bined fovHh« j»n>t«cti<>n of their Int«reate. bul now a HniHll moh of scheining politioianH of all Hhkm-h. have puf in nomination a tiekct pf aelected from thoae known to l>e in pollticftl eolluaion with tbe party «rhoru the meehaniea

sought to j»rot«t't tlu*iiiBt'i%*e« ag,iinwt twu agD. • ."Tb«>y are o»ly a Jot <>f onniiHin ti)(vh;ini«'9 M «aieipne t>f noiiiiiu'eK wlien he w.!B a ( al»i))»*t Ministor. an<l . we iioubt if holia- vh)iiig« k d iiis opinion K»nct» t!ien. Tho other nomiiH»e« will |»rohab]v evino<» a great love fer th« ineehanio <iiiring the cainpaign, a Jt>vr whieh wili ra)iidiv i!icker out .ifter rlv(j:ti<un.* und the oiechanirs will find themaeiveB a» bad!y <ie«•»'iv«.'d a« thiy were by Hoiue of Ihe tueu they e!eoted la*t tin»e. Kkkk La\( K. — - • * * *•—