Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 397, 25 February 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


That fHend Hill of the Poēt office de§erveB a vote of ihaok} fa r redocmg tbe foreign poetage.

That the next Kona gtorro wiU knoek the new eea wall to emithsree»*,~ — ' "

That tbe Hooolulu storekeepers are about to bave Bome "cop8 n and private detectives ta watch all deP»rting veMelB for departnres.

That £olks ask the reaaon for the uiyBt«iouB delay in Belling by auotion the leaaea of tbe big traot of governmeut land (§everal hundred thoueand aem) eituated in Hamakua dittrki.

That the Poaial Sa?inp B*nk is Buppoeed nol to rev«U tb9 affaira of it« client«. but yet when anyone māhm s d6BpoBiw a larg« book i8 aboved in front of the depoait or wber*ta oan be read ihe namea of weadlng'depo«itbrB oad aooounU todged.

> That 0» BolkUo froa «M w« flrsl r»oeirtd it)&rauiioii ābont the toll eetebUM on tk» Pali, lkd parpoMlj to ontri|> ua, «nd to «ftts*mtofil«fri6nds, whott civU HghU wm oal? mtond kritly, to throw th« onua on to Ka Lm 1W &t gatt«d road Ibm did nt tomef th« fish MmU w«* *ztorttd frooia mtn namod HahiOMi feri Htttobt!p gir«o hiui bjr Wttjton'B ntd htndt te Mping hia oftr tht ptiMiwty wHhhk lo^

Th*t «rhok fo*% Offiee huHdin| is antiquatod and out of dute. That om eagk«li«ttaid h» *ould §Und b<Midsman fot tsf »«w &n*d Bvp9tviaor i ii |Mr B*paey «ould tb* Assiataa| fiload Btper-▼isor-idilp. |

Thaffteop)e are euHoue to know whetb«rtlM*lta9Bi»Chiir at the CnBtam Houee wIU tb« wbo pniehae* «d and «hippel (bi dope dn ft bōard the V«loeity.

fhat iu|ur pbint»tk»iB are vm* Ail for cre*t!iig popol»aon towhom ooium oan be eetd praAtably t and thes a new isterest U cr«tted to makeup for th« fidloi« of«%if|araBa money making indmii:r, and the ®ood and had are all goiag intd tjw> new bt)BfueBB— k>piuM.

That it is bigh time there wae a Japanes6 post office officinl. ( , At prmnt when Jap ehqitires for a lettter at the |deltvery wind3w. a 6und!e of letters with Japanese writing on them, is thrust into tho api)licaiits hands. and he ean piek and chose a» many os he pleAaoa. \Vliy docsn't Japaneae Consul see abou( it ? i

Th'at an ex-niinj*ter wished Mr. >lattoon to allow Mr. Horner to have the contested seat Yor repre* setitative, right or wrong Mr. Mattoon referred the gentleman to Supr?me Conrt. The gentlemeu ia | a direct deeoendant of that old *?\xritan aioek, that belie?es a dollar is aa big as a dartwbeel t and that righteousne§i is only a seoondary matter.

Tbat when U suns«t Sereno M goe« to NotteVfor bit mid-day pork and <bd&vig, the first thing he says tothe attendant i« 4{ Bring me the Ka Lbo?° apd like Pears S(Mip haby, "he won't "be. happy till he geta it." That strangera copnng here wqq~ der why Ūp foreigners have a )arge deiivery window at the Post Offioe, and the nativea of thecoontry are oompelled to tranBact their buai* n«Bs at a pokey little bole about a foot Bq«are.