Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 437, 21 April 1892 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


ĪTi:;i: nnolhei' \u'.r w >.» j hurn nieu* u:»ys _ r <>. . l»op«*?'.r«f :mnvx.vl : !<»M:-:s ;uul rt*pii!b ' ]iean? l'urther ;nv;vy roal izntioln. j i How ihe of the Cirwitti:s u|rt' |watrin<* apainst o!je .in'£)t-h«'r aud divuling their r";ivor.- heiwwn 'Jreefrs and Troj;in«, and all on accouat of Helen. ■ v ••Iy ' f I That a vounj; man. i tron» a eenain uiifr?-loi»aiy i*ercJin-1 tile hoUf*e in town, heeHuee pome- j thi|jg went vvroiig wHii the . The p.irtv ū:Behargeu is a soher. j steady voung Hawuiian, ■with n g«»od ! I eharacter. a!:d is evidently! ir.ncf a l*■ sav«? t.he ropn B l ' ta.tir».n «»f an<»:her y'>r.iifr who _ :»is.» w.is nnplow ?! i.i ■hiw j t'u\ ' r« i.i ':vt\s■ wim • woui«l - K» ivj; ..\u<-y ,v . 'r:<* y,s, ;k ;it '.ĪM' Mrv M«: !;»••<!,■ wl.i :*<!•. '■n »!:•.«• <•••:.:.r;i 4 .-. • ; Vh'- tiil ! i •!. i !.•'.• ■•:.!«» v■,::nx • ! •*' i \. ! i ! I . ■■. -I i i , r . .... ■ ~. ' . . ri HJti» j -j.js»t ' P;».ys " t'hief •V,"iii*o:>" .* \ : cot;ifiiander tvf ihe ilawaiian ornivi: I If t!fe Hnlictin «>nlv knew that H'illson ur:nv is composed of the i huuijs, »'X-harher«, vagrants «nd jail- ' birds of Honolula it would ofier a for n pholo of \V?lsor» and hie army. The IloueehoUl : Troops are co:npos< d of honeet mem and iatelv too hard worked bv far. That the Builetiu claitns that its ownerß~even if thev beleng to th»j beef-trust a»id lo evcry «hade of husine9B ueury underthe Hawaiian Heavet»s. are not in the mortgiigej businesB, and therefore retorts on the Oasette as the "nhect of the mort«agee«. n Why m thundor don't| the Advcriia«r oome to thc Ab, wby indeed. botn in Ihe aaoie boat; Bee by and bv, if they are not solid in advocating th»» tau»c old ■«indlet t such aa , 4 *i».crtMBing legal intereet to twentv I?er sche!it. ,> Konohikia to have* t beir riphta exUnded to len iai)ea from land." A "eable to tbe ceaat * ' ;n whieh Parker, Ca9tle, Widemann |and iialdwin danoe in tbe eame

quadriiie, biit noi & e«nt i« inv€ i > ted bv < ithcr of ; thcui. £4itori«tl by»play :s nftt taicij t-nough to eoneeai īhe f;ict tbat both papen are { owne<l an<i ruu in tho idteresU of ex[>lQitiiijs »yndicate«, It i* like the mc»tto of tlie ue>r Palae* veri«n, Country anel Pi ople." The J-k)\'ereiKn paper owner oomes o«t oo top of the editorial heap erery Ume. That wlien a J u«lge tflkes «t<tai in a cas<f. there is a reme(V—-«low but sure. | That the Klectrocutor and the Major have not been driving anmnd in company lately. > the Amenean papers say oat Kaiulani is soon cotning baok tō her people-poor «uiTering people. a Ha«e ve batk iaph'u», / Fn»m Hrotlaii(l iwa; Ye"lM»e a Qut»en >vt. f !n «*pite of theia—"aw. • Thftt a rccent!v <lefeate i ra«di- * date.fr.oin the i*acred land» of Kua-! loa, wi I i Iwii eo!.soUd with the shoes \ of .1 ud|re : liichardson 01 Mnui \ (ileenn.il). ; T!ir.t• t:i<»!coasor*«hit> i>f the Pr^?s.; hntrnrrf. <1 K a l»ut h«s■th«v !sullciin ovider:*Jy \vit!iin it« j ■, Th:vt n :n;:rri* d.. aHlioiol , • w;t!: j;':ep!'ntjjaj:;a"|rot inlo troul>le ! »«ī Lt vy's auelion room veßterday. |Cuuid not rt*sist silk haiulanai?. That Paul IsenV>eaf; wa» -the hair-weightithat brok*» th® Aus 4 ,ra* lia's gang-plank as he on to it, to reach hia geoerour stepinother, Wahu, after an absence |with his father Oermania of fifteen monlh?.