Ka Nonanona, Volume III, Number 8, 5 September 1843 — Sloop of War Emhuscado, Harbor} of Honolulu, Sept. 1, 1812. [ARTICLE]

Sloop of War Emhuscado, Harbor} of Honolulu, Sept. 1, 1812.

Sl H 11, I havc thc honor to inform your M«ju«ly, thut h'i»k;u thc 'l'ieuliea of July iiiiii IHIi, 1839, Krcfich citizo»s und ministcrs of tl»c C«tholic religion luivo bccn insulic<l iukl Bul)jc(*tcd lo divcrs uujust moitfUircs, conccrning whieh your Mnj<jHly lms nol, prob«hly bcon informcd. Subor(linatc nacnt.s, ignprqnt t or ill dispos~ cd aiul wilhoul «ny «peeinl ordcr from Govcnuncnt, huvo thro\vn down cliurchCB, thrcutoncd thc pricsts und compcllcd thcir diBciplcB to uttcnd Pmlealanl plneea ol' \vorshi|), und Prc3lcstunt schools. To elleel this, thcy h«vc cmploycd a courso of ticnt;iicnt rcpnlsivc to humunity, notwithstandint( thc Trcuty of July 12th, signod by your Mnjcsty ttnd the Comnutndunt of llie Frcnch friguto Artcinisc, grnnts frcc cxcrcisc to thc Cntholic roligion, nml nn c<|iml pieileelion to ita ministcrs. tlmt your Mujcßty hus no inlenlion thnt Trcutics, cntcrcd into \vith sinecrity und good l'uilh Rhonld bo uniiu!1(m1, und nlso tluit il is incumbcnt \tpon you to trciit ull rcligions with fuvor, thcrcforc, I hIiuII dcmund lliul you will ndopt such mc!Msurcs ns shnll dcfcnd tho ndhcrcnts of thc Cutholic fuith frotn ull futurc vc.\utions. ! dcmand th(!rcforc of your Mnjcsty, lst. Thnt u ( aiholie High School, with llie snmc privilcgcs us tlic llighSchool nt I.uhuinulunu, bc itnmc(liutcly neknowlcdgcd, und ihut u lot of lund bc grnntcd to it by (JovUWmicnt,u<x:ording topromisc, £nd. Tliut tltc ('nlliolie schools bo undcr the c\clusivc supcrvision of Catholi(. Knhnki{!us, (lns|)cctors) nominafssd b) KnhuniiN of thc sumc fuith, nnd upprovcrt by your Mnjc«ty ; und thut thcse Knliu kulus cnjoy without inl'nuilion ull tho privi lcgcs gtnnicd by thc luw.

i 'l'luil tlic K:»lninas lmvc powei' to ;f»ll, lt'ni|)orarily, »11 vac;;iiH;ics thut ciVtiy |ocour iu coiKsc(j«i(:nco of llie (lonlli, abiaeiiee, or loss of oll'iee f)f any of tlic KallmluilaH. 'llli. Tliat for tlic fnturc, pci'inis. > 'ion to j in(inv l>c giv(?n l)y Catholics, noir)iiiatc(| jby tlic Kaliuims, anel approvc() a}vuiy.s l>y jtlio (toycnijncnt of your Maicsty : uikl |that in enw ol' alwenee, (leaiU,Or loss of [oHieo, thc Kahnnaa havc povrcr, provis> ionally, to grant pcrmission thcn»sclvcs. j 511i. ( Tluit hcrcaftcr (v'atholics lj« not jforcc(l to Uibor irpon schools, or chnrchcs ! of a cliflcrcnt faith, und tlmt the rclations jof chil{lrcn, \vi)o m»y enihiaee thc <Jatholie rcli#ron, }>o not ill-trculcd on this ae|Wmut. | (»th. That scvcrc pmiishmcnt bc iujflictcd npon any iii(livi(|»ial, whalcv(!r mny bc his rank or eomlilion, who shall ! dcstroy a Cathofic church, or school, or insult thc ininistc?rs of ihi* leli^iou; rurthcrmorc, T (lemaiwl of your Majcs!,ty that you will eonlinn lo thc Krcncli |jinission thc laikl whieh wns il l>y lioki, when of thc Kiii^ r (loii», |jwhich luikl has ulways bccn considcrc(l as t6 said mission ; and nlso, tljai |j you thc purchasc of ihe laml ina<l--j'ī>y his f,onlship, ihe liishop of Nicopolis, j;by a sancfion svfiir.li will confiiu\ it io |jfii.s- LonMiip, and to his i>cirs forcvcr. |j I will not eonehule what rclat(!s to tlio j|Oalholie clciKy without your M«j- ----: csty lo givo me proof that thc Abbc Mni. !|s.?rct has a wrilinir, by whieh l>c himsclf a Hritisli S.ubjcci. i;.Should Jhis [>rovc to be u tncrc ealumm. j!iuvcntc<l lor thc purposc of rttiiun«'a j|Frcnch pricst ,in ihe cstiirmtiori of ihe inj: hnbitiuts of thcsq islcs, nncf U»at of yo»r j| Maj(!My, 1 (lemaiHl that thc nuthor of tlas jcalun»uy, .lohn li, thc Inspccior (leiu.Mal rolrrrcl in (loelannu; cithcr that l»c Jl licd nbout il, or, tlmt he has bccu dccci\ljcd. Ah a Kronchnr.in. I dccm it import|jant fully saliß<icd ofi thi.< poiiil. || Thcrc is Hiill anothcr subjcct, eoneemljing whieh I inust demnnd somc (.wplauotiou of your Majc.sly; lo Ai-.

iiele (illi of iho r lVonty of July 17tli, Kioneh wiiioa mi<l spirits \vcrc to bo iulinilU:d inlo tho Is]ands of yonr GovcrumoiH, 011 pnying «i duty of fivc ficr ccnt. W«s il not for tl»c puipose of cluding thi« urticlc (not to sny of violuling it,) llmt ihe sulc of brnndy hns bccn limitcd to u. ccrtnin nutnbcr ol'gnlloiiß? r I cunnot f)rcvcnt yotir Mnjcsty frorn cnucling such la\vs, as thc prospcrity and well bcing of yotir subjccits sccn» to you lo dctnand, but I considcr il my duty to iii()*nrō liow you eau rcconcilc thc 6tli Aniele of ihe Trcaty of July 17th, willi ihe lust luw conccrning thc aale of spirits in thc Islunds of yourKingdom. It wouhl givc nie grcnt plcnsurc to bc informcd on this subjcctj in ordcr to make my rcport to thc Admiral, Commundcr in Chicf of thc Frc:ich l'WeeH in tho Pftcific Oeean, thut he mny dccidc upon such a coursc, ns he shull judgc cxpcdicnt for tho maintciianr'c of Trcuticß and of our national dignity. 1 hnvc thc lionor to bc, with tho most proibtintl roK|)cct, Sirc, your Majeßty'B vory huinhle Hcrvnnt. (SigniKl,) S. MALLICT, ("'upiuUi ol ilio 81onp oi'\Viir Kuibviacado. Ilonnlulu, »Sopt«mboi- 4th, 1842. To S. Malloi , Cnptnin of the Frcnch »Ship of War, tlio iiml)UHcaclc, Cjrccting, Wc havo rcccivcd your lcttcr, datcd ihe I st inst., und wilh our Council assomblcd, hnvc dclil)cratcd thcrcon, and \vo nrc huppy lo rcccivc your tcstimony that if thcrc uro instnnccs of dilliculty or abuso in thcsc lslnnds, thcy nrc not authorizcd by this (iovcrnmcnt, and ; wo assurc you thnt we hold in high cslimfilion the Govcrnmcnt of Prnncc, nnd nll its cstimablo Subjccts. [t is thc lirm dctcrmination of our Cjovcrnmcnt to obscrvc tho Trcatics wiih nll Nnlions, but the \vrittcn laws oro n new thing, llie people arc ignorant, ond good ordcr eun only bc f)rcscrved on tho part of thc (loycrnmcnt by afl'ording tho protcction ol' tho laws to all who will appenl lo thcm at tho propcr tribunals. On thc introduction of tho Roman Catholic roligion it \vas undcrstood that tolcration wns to be fully allo\vcd to nll

ils pii<'v;js {iikl all its c!is<;i)>!f\H, niul lliin lii>s hron (lono as l'ii» as hjy in o»r povvor, mid 110 oik' ( i'io jn(/v<: lo 111!>ut it is iinj)ussil)U- to jint a stoj» to <li.«|>utoß mihl eoniMiiionK l)nt\%"ee*ij iivul nnd ovils ;uid r.oiri[>laint» whieli rci»ult llu;i< IVoin. T)|o l«\vs f«vor lifernlure, nnd ns soon us tlk' Kieiieh |»ri(?sis niu rcu(ly to foumi n IIi>;lt Scl»ool for Ihe j)iirj»oso <>f in»j)iirtiiifJT it 1o tlioir jnij)ils, nud toiic:iiors «ro r(.a(ly, it slitill fi11«I u locution. Tho Sclioo| L}iws \voro foirnc(l to j>romolo o(lucation in tljesc lslands, und iml scclurianisiM, nnd no ono shonld nsU thc (iovcrnmcn( t|?ut thcy b« tiltcrcd to lavor any j)«riii:ul«r s<-ct. Any mnn <juulili< d for l)cing of n inorul churnolei', is cnlill<'d lo « tfachcr'.s di|)l6tiiH, this l»y rcnson ol' his nc(juirrin<Ji>ls, nol hi» sccl. No j>ricKt ol" ciUi<;r se<.t ea» j>ivo di|»lom«.s. l,ikc\viso inarringc is l»y luwi aiml no j)ricsl of «:itl«or kccl eem }H*rlorm tliu cc.rcmony c\ccj)i thc |>nrtics <»l)iaiit }i eei'lilieulo froru lh<- (lovornor,or his ( Kliccr, aiui why should tlu: |«wb• U; alleKMl.- I)il)»cultics ol'ien nris*(! on this subj(!cl, nnd \vo ahouhl our ow;,i | Tl.c l«ws rc<juirc ihe j)coj)i(* to l«hor [on ei'iluiu dnys ; sofno l'or ihe (iovc»rnmenl, nnd soinc for tl o lnudlord.s to whoi» (lio l«b,or is duc aoco»<ling to law, nnei tlie kiiul of lidjor is l»y ll»osc to whom thc lubor ,i?j duo. The lnws are not fully eßtnblished in all j)arlfi of tho Islarid«, and probably an ancietit cus(om l»ciS bceti practiscd, by whieli the owner of lnnd wouUI pull down the houae of one who bui!t thcreon wiihoui hi« chcerful asßcnt, but if the owner of the houso eomplaina to the Judges, lhey should grant a trial, and if no satisfaclion is obtained, then the Ciovernor will gronl a trial, and if that decision is unjust, on appeal niust he made lo the Supreine Judges, who wiil sH \wice a year» Tho ground occupied by tho French

i|>ri<'sts in Ilonoln'u, is h»'ld I>y iho sninn lliu! ol 1111? |)ti(.'sis r>f Ilie PioleMnnl mui somc otln:r roici»»ncrs; ni)(J Mcgooiatioiis linvu l>cen eoiiuiHMieiMl \vlii«h il is | o l»«> liopeel will givu o(junl jnstico to nll. Wlien Jolm !i nrrivcs l'iom K.uini, ll»nt cns<; will lio ndjnstcil. nii(J if lie (lcuics llie clinrge wliioh ,vou lmvo |)rcsci»tc(l, u trinl will bo PlenKo ilo U8 Iho fnvor to, ii«Biire tho A(lmirii) lhat thc; |)rcscnl lnw« t\o not eontrnvcuc thc (>th Anielu of Uie 'iVc;nly of ihe I7tli Jul)'. lirnn<|y nu<l winc« nrc frcc! v n<hnittcd lu v rc, nuel iI nny one wishcs n liccnst; to rct'Vil ,sj)iiits ho inny pro- < urc one by »|>|>!ying to tho propcr Olliccrs. Thosc who rctnil Kpirits \vithout licctisc nrc linl>J<; to punisluncnt. l'lenao inform him iilho that wo havo sonl Ministcrs lo thc Kiup; of Kmnee, to bug of liiui a n<!W 'JVcuty helweon us aiul him. Acc<'j»t for ymirn<;lf iho aaiiuiunee of our rcs|)oct atu! our MahilalionH. (Xix»)o.l,) 'KAMKIIAMKIIA Hl. (Minni'el,) KKKAUI.UOIIK. 'l'niiiHlalion ccrtilie<l lo l«i iorrcct by (I. 1», Jum>.