Ka Naʻi Aupuni, Volume III, Number 41, 26 February 1907 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Report of the Eesourses and Liabilities of The " Co-Operative Honie Parehasino:Society.'r For the Six Months En"dixg Dese>iber. 31, 1906. RESOURSES LIABILITIES Loana on Real-Estate S 2935.25 I Capital paid in $2960.95 Cash on hand 50.70 ! Surplus 1" und 25.00 $2985.95 ! $2985.95 I, M. W. Tschudi. Treasurer. do solemnly swear.that the foregoing st,atements are true to the be3t of my knowledge and belief. M, W. TSCHUDI, Treasurer of the Go-Operative Home Purchasing Society.