Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 46, 28 June 1890 — LETTER FROM NOWHERE. [ARTICLE]


Dkak Elile:—X liariilj' know wiūt to write about this week. Everytldug of Kooial ijiteie?t is set for tlie future antl poli'i,ics seeui to liave dwiu. d!ed into an ordiūarj' hnm, like the little euii of rtisputes g«>nerally does. Even pqiit'ical re6ulta are ,ia to mature iu tlie fuiure and tlie Nipsic i« gone and tlie Fonrth of July isn't here yet, th« Legislature, all except the Fiiiance Cumtoi§tee, hay e gone home to the bosom of their families, and—weH its no nse, the town ia aa clrj *s an averase joke or a newspaper reporier, Bnt I'll not be beaten or boreil to denth eveii if I'in forced to bore the public with this aapless epistle.« I really t'iūn t kuow things were in so bad & way unti! thē othei ev C ni D g Ned Maefar- , lane dropped nto eall on us. I was Bitting on the v«randa when I saw Ned eoming.up the path witk an I-an.-awearj-cf-the-world look in face. Nod dropped into a ehair beeide me and groaned,—yoa ail kuow. N*d dou't often groan. " My! Ned, wliat's the matter?" cried I, in utter I aelonia'hmeiil. Isut Ned onlygroaned agaiu, What could it be; lat onee. grew seriōus. Ct»ald it be possible he had been jilted aud had eonie to lue fōr 6y»pathy? If so, how should I give it to hini, -\vith a «poon? lmpossible, thor.ght I; it mlght break the poor fellow's heart, No; I conld not be so henrtless; I therefore dctermined to By.mpathize with him in honieopathio doses, dropped " like the gentle dew frofia heaveu." " Hna any of yoiir lrieuds died, Ned? if so allo'w me to eonaole yoa; to 6yhipathize wUh yow as a Bi K ter—yon have no sister, Ned—Hl be ove to ytfu." Ned looked at me for amomeut with ru eipreasion in whieh bewildemient v,'ith ay evidēut desire to. laugh, and fiually said, ' 4 O, Sissy, what a goose you are; I'ia ell right, only I am on the Einanee Committee and we're being worked to death iu order to get our report ready by the 30th, when the Legishiture meets again." " \\ hy, Ned, is that all; I thought thers was aomething awlul." " WJiy, Sissy," gasped Ned, *' have you heard auything!" •« No, Ned," said greatly chagrined to tliink that I had heea so w ide uf the inaik, " l've heard nothing ex?ept a few Wuts Brother Jack let drop; hui, as Jack says, ,if there is Bnj-thiug 'awful' thoy eau easiiy wh;tewiihh it with acother minority report. So doii ! t let lt woiTy you; there's a goou boy." Yon all reti'tmber the liue of poetry I in my epistle last week abont "Ahou ben Thurstou-" well, l've just made a diseovery—l've £ouud the reBC Ita that Brnther Jaok of mine; he'a tiirntfd poet aud ean consequcutly be put dowu as i>ra«y hereaft«r, Bat juat thiuk, he'a turne<l poet witho«t beiug in love—tha"t beilts ihe record. I tieard repeatiug the line I used laet week, and t"ue other uioruiug 1 laund the whole thing iu his.tVti«ag °own and when I writiug it, hrwuahed īike auy girf. ."0 Sissy," p!eaded Jack, "ii ain't poetry; its only a p&rody on Leigh Huut's poem— a surt of politiaal joke Kome of we fellows got up to hand arouud »<»')«)£ the rest of the boys; give īt baok, there's a good girl. " Nof uiueh, Jack " I cried cramgiiug īt into my dre . pocket, "itB too gf>qd Ui keep; I'm going to publish it it> th e ' "Sissy, Sissy 3 get we su«d for Hbel; dan>t Sissy, dou't!" wailed my blg brother with augnish tu his roiet. "Don't you fret yo,uraelf, Jack," I shout«d from the head of the staīra, "the editor'll protect you ; he'e not bo thin-skiuned as you amateurs are." Hene it is just as Jack wrote it and Papa saya its a leal clever political hit;— ABOU Bm THUESTON. Ahaa ben T'hnrstou. he who iate was "fired " Awolee o«c n|ght, alraig:ht}- cross and tired." S4\v t wiihui tbe moonib{h.t of his room, The ghost of Foster's Presidential Boom. \Vho conntd a Treat>- (whieh he'd found by ehanee n<?ep in, the pocket of ben Tharston s paiits), Ct>nvey oor lsles, from shore to shore ro Lnele s.amuel forevermore. The SpiTit wrote, and still ben Thurston K a-ed tNon-āqu , d sfmu n«ver Thurston daied ) And to the Presence īn the room he said A^ l^' Tl <e sptctTtf t*i*ed his he»d, "Th. tn, v ! t ' tl ' * «PMHW uneouih, The nam« of <W.a«ōgue* who love the Truth. E a ed Thu f stM ' " I shSnld smile,' ! Vk,,c L. I hur ? ton tbought awhile, And thus addressed the ghost: " I'd have you cote „ 1 1 0"U' lie to catch the Native vote ■I? ?'u , Colonc| ; fu«ber publio ends, And hola my gr lp on Missioniirj' frieftds," The Spint wrote and vainshed, The r«ext ni*ht " e ,, c «' e «ilh evid«m ¥ kt ' DUht •i i ? e eu' poiiticians dead. 101 Thuts t°a s nanie stocd at the tead. Hl-srr, (aigftniforust IM tkt Tr-opicsj

MaW is ml Rugry w ith J*ck kwSy; # not boen oomiug hame nnUl midui g Lt ot *fu* suudry tiiu«s during the luouiii. Pap» a«. elaiwi Jaoi k all rīgbt and laughs &t Ma'ma; but MaW >s worried jast tho ssLiue. She'i Jack has gotten to ruixning wiih some oi Ae aus--Bioimry boys and will go to tbe bad. iU'ma k aware of the fact tlmt it is l o Qdlj whkpexed tb a ; Uw mi»sionary boys are pnme to forget (a(tet U»e ho«r of 10 p. m.) the i>ious pr^p W dUlig<aiav impressed upon thej r Uieir yo ft ty u l days, S *laruied Jack Ua\ Mau<l v uight he di,t »at get Lowe umil hdft**t twelye o\4ock. IWI xvas «»^ tt pfor W«. **, - 4ftck , Yv ; u dou«t w»lije Uow imieii ttv»«Ue iuu' yow c*u« k;„] v by sfcvVi ; « Wh,. littte woihe*, > i J, scit^v ; ;' U 1 dovvn Uw Ho^ *«*. I. do ho { * xou eo^pam-u w Jucll v ' " IU,N * **« * <?, w aui IWik M,vSuvk*r, aud i|*, S! ' * uaJm; ' ult K %. «vua iolia l^ v Be ß MlĪ^k "Aj» »i»4ouHn >x.j.v t , xvst ***** ** k o i( h «M S W oiw U«towiu*it ttu,v,uavaWL, W^rw **** oul JK<xf dKy tIMLt I Imul >»vto««vl it aU k* «u»? to »;,? jsrir»j, :v miī ,; -aoa i S iw H ***y, Sissv, f vkt n* 1M <k*tU if tf» y iiud »1 oae 0* Fourth «i T**uiu,U o. tW mū* Md k,t *ud l^ W « lii\HU< r 4,tck MKi w« «M Uv*mu. "**«» Uw 4*IUC o<a v'iix4ttt- &*t v» rwu evvrvthi» it ; Aa?«»loAa iu U*««ū iu uiUi vN»aaiiuw «aa *Ui but * l»« «{ ««.' A.««m«ui t4k«xr«. v>«£ vrc-rk ia mkl hn ota,l; *' -- vkW> oa ;i Y o,s !,•« tiUi.j o e*V Wl d J*a, b*f 4 ke u> kuv^l ~5 ,/ W«Hi . p v , - : ; * n»)**.) M«Va4k "»lw> t.j v x »«s'\\ j s u; v, vll , w v , i xK »• t V Sl v , x4 Jtt<ik. *Ulh '» ,» »S , v tv i > « %»„ ,S , t 'M,*., Mw \im*i a , sl . „ 0 . '"X\y,u* v ,i , , <v ~, v •Utt vi>. tim,nii' > 4 ,„ vS)llt . fc , f*»um |fe, , 'm;, .;■ , V .. u ; , O*A U; K^ k> „ VKto> ,U) Us

wby (hd a ivw majOrit\', Jack:" j>ai<i dfcar- iūno«<>nt »i don't nud«H-taud tLal." " WfjT " - "'" g * 4iy Jack, with a slj" gl«uic6 at l'a^ia, Kasou, I auppoae, tLat a, lew "'ATpag^^ . J>°rii_l!e're, -a-.iui. ki-jaai the- whafc ftng. eiumeut, foreiga palicy & ud all, fer j&e„benflfit of ~ thcw»elTes aud tl*eir (rieuds." .