Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 46, 28 June 1890 — A SAMPLE REFORM LEADER. [ARTICLE]


Mr. John Thonias Wuterhouse, as vtri.ll be seen from tbe false and-!ibelons extr;ict t»ken from the Chic«igo 7'/k"• bn ue uf June 5, 1890, whieh \ve pabliali below, is at his dlrty work ngain. It will be reinembered that Joliti Thomas Wtiterl)ouse w;vs tho pi'ineipal in certHĪn eqnallv false and libelong ch;iiges niadt> botween the years 1861 and 1864 against the reputation nnd credit of tlie firras of Janion, Gr«'ei) X Co., aud Janion, CJiogu & Ehodes, of Loudon. On Miirch 15, 18G4, Mr. Wufcorhouso was constrained or eompelled to npologise for his outragoous condiict, iu au open letter addressed to W. L. G reen, Esq. It is perhaps needless to s;iy here that JolmThotnus Waterhonse has. been a leading spirit Htid backer of the late īleforai party and that the interview p«blished iii the -Tribune is fairly representati ve of the Beforin party of uuwarranted slander and misroprōsentation abroad, ās Mr. Waterhouso js a faii representatuc o' thg lcadors of thc Eeforra party who reroain at home. Tbe int«rview iii fche Triburte, in fact, repre«eHts tho i)olit!cal v;ewsitnd state of mor&l deve!opment of a cl;)ss of men iri Hawaii, such as Mr- Joli ' Thomas Waterhonso and Mr. Alexan |der Young; mou who have fattened thoir ]>urses under the Keciprocity Treftty, and !tave used Anieric.in gold |to import Eiu-opeaii merchandise and raw roaterial into Hawaii in direct competition with American products. But this by the> way. Why John Thomas Wa*terhoose should see fit to baseiy a,od untruthfuliy attack thc King of Hawaii iu a mauu«r unfit to be re-pabiished in'a Jfonolulu uewspaper (\yhich migbt by aome ia)s ehanee find its way into J. T, Waterhoase's estimable famiJy) issomething inexplicable unless his abject apology to the London firms rnēntioned is firsl read. In most comitries a coat of tar and featliera would be the speedy aeeompanimeijt of suoh peyaonal prooednre. aud we hope that since tlie lata down fall of the farnily-compact and missionary clique both the anel moral tone of the will soon so improve as to make the repetition of sucb despĪGable acts a futuro impossibiiitv I 4 'Affftire in the Sandwioh Islai) lg ii> a daui gerous oondition. I bBlieve » tremendons wsi <doud "will break within a fe\v d»ys, «nd that is whj iI am in thfi Uuited Statea uow. Having livē<3 nearly four score yeare I'm not of the age to enjoj excitement or to 1» of mueh benotit iti case ol a violeut dibtarbag#s." This news from tl)ja Hawaiian J«lau4a oaght t<_ b© accurate t as it eame frgm John Thoina6 house, one of the most r§|l4ble, richest, aud bestkuowu weu down there, He ia at the Palmei Houae, where he will reoiain unlil qdvises from the Islands reach him cooceruing the aeiion oi the Legialature. He has beeu u merchant iu Honolulu for forty years. "There will be some trouble down honie," he continued, "aud if it is not hloodshed I will be noost agreeably furprised. The United States 6overnment haa seut a man-of-war dowu thero, anj aa English gunboat is auchored not far away. Both hare their weather eye out. You know tjot]jing Qf the trouble here, as the msager di: ■ patehe<i to tb<i āan paj>ers do not state the true eoudition. It ia eipoeloi tliat tlu Cabiaet will reaigu; theu eha<ss will f o llow. I( e\rery wembep of the CAl>iuet goes out nt one# who will take the Ytju see we have Kaiakau* where he eau rub us no longer. He ia praot!cally bouud haud and foot. All the while he lws not been idle. Aide,l by his sister aud the riot leader, Wilooi, several schemes have beeu stt ou 1001. While ii iauu« be proved, it is a positivt- fact tbaī ihe Kiiig w.:s behin<l the eliieing % rii 3 t last suu)«aer. If the Goverameut liad been orereiirawu (lio „ new pix<c)mnniioii aud obUiu<ji a uaw' 1«^ W«.. ■Ouly a little vrhiK> ago & svb«iue was iiuatratfd itt whīeh īt waa tliought tkat the K{iig a sifcnt partner, On-r $1,000 was iuis<kt aud giveu u> A<tonu>y-t?oiu-r.U A*hford, the Ctnudian immhei Ql th« Cabiuet, to u-e ou * laiaaiou, He was to to Canada and sign « twaty wiih U» Oouimioii t»overnmeut. It would hnve eonftieted with the treaty with the UniUnl Sute« and «Teufualljf 1« #dreree to the metwmtile inter««ts Isl;»id9. As tafij- 4« owtv. l (:y t!if the movemeut would have a*tuiuUy Iwip*} thv nat4v«B and been of great aen ioe to th« Kiug, T h| s wiw done, 0 r rather attexui)ted, by oueof the ealunH, and stuoe theu the three sood īaea i m tl»e Miiiisiry have thrvaUned k) r«!intu The »rt 8 '' *«> iwL tus old iwwei , 1 4 >ut I don*t Wlieve he will aovvn»pli!,h , t ''t>-w «ot the imiiiml «lūlitv or eauon to wh-o a diffieult |*wU«uu I lien o,v u rs V) lo» aud hholou» al'.iek ou Kiug K»dakan« «liiol) 1S too iudeoeut for puWic*tion, -Kd K.LKLK,! H U*t a.touKi t?vet get of tho Ihwiw aeam h« vrould uot kmg aud he *ojU ! H v ftl \ « > '' liUo -' i l v Tho u»xed s!.tU' i aff<»ir¥ has p!ayod tho uiiisehk>X w .th tho lsla M vi i latotj-j. Sevei s ', new oiuorprises have Kvu «vrr. l up ou thie aooonm and tJie old oiw«s !iave Uh ?i! Mau-«Uat Ihe buMue will baist -ipvS*u j uow, tueu all troulue will be over au»l our vv*ui-' UH>«ve »0.1 >rulusfno* «11 /oivv *Uwd iu k<*nuu; | *»th thih Katiou." I