Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 46, 28 June 1890 — CAPITALIST YOUNG. [ARTICLE]


I fag-end of the late Beform party, j representiug the alleged " wealth an<l intelligence of tiia Iviugdom," has nominated Mr. Capitalist Yoviug, chief owner of Pepekeo plantation, on Hawan, Kahukn plantatibn, on Oaliu and the līonolulu Foundry, for the vacancy caused by the resigua. tion of Hon. John A, Cnmmins. Mr. Capitalist Yonng was nominated by aceliinvatidn Mr. Capitalist Young was in*trncteil by thc aluiost unani. inous tenor of a socond vote that his nominalion depended upon his oppo sition to the preseut Ministry': After the iiominatipn Mr. Capitalist Young formally agreed to puckot the poliiieal snub offered him n few months ago, when thelleforin party was arr;ived in nll its giory, and qniet!y accepted the . doubtful .honor ofiered him at the eleventh politieal hour, undi-r u tlag of distress raised by the." wealtU anel intelligence of Hawaii." : Mr. Ciipitalist Young, as announced throngh tiie nawsp.iper of his j 'Oillioal heart, dpes not w;«h his rec >id us a i*ēyolutiouist, or as a pro-Ciiiuese "iul vocate, or «s an endorser aud b:icker of Ihe Thurston Miuistfy, or as nu any-thing-else to hi.s pohtic.il discredit to be in the ]>re.sent campaiga. Mr. C;ipitalist Yburig i;T niodest, if he is :inyth ; .ng. touc(iing the vital quostions of his past r.*c.(jrd; and it is with great simplicity he has had it announced that he " will not be required to take . any stund re!.iitive. thereto." Mr. Youug is quite right; the eleotors os Oaha wi 11 uot iusist lipon Lis taking a'ny "stand relative tiiereto," but it is iiiore thaa likely tho woikuien, native Hawaiiaiii and non -capitalists of Oahu gener;iiiy wiU hmnl'npon a full expl;iu:ition of the "stiincl relative there£o ' previously taken arid repeated3y qmph:tsizetV by Mi\ Capitalist Toung, eyeu to Uie hour of his late j3.ominatiQU. In spite of your protest, Mr. Capitalistyouag, as to your past reco;\l u)idor the'Thurstou Ministry bei'iig considored « queB- - ai issae, it >rill bo :uade a leading onē bv the e.lectors of Ouhu. Do you begin to see any inconsis teucy, "My Alexauder," between your desire to hide your past record, your pledged opposition to ihe present Ministry and } 7 our open professions, since iwmination, iu favor of "the iucreased rights of the people" and eonstitutional goveruuient? You, who were a whp ape a pro-Chiuese advocate; you, wlio beeame the willing tool of the Thursto« Cabinet in promoting the Station; House imbroglio; you, whoorganized the Law and Order League Tor the purpose of violating law and order, had the opportunity otfered; you, who personally iusisted that the Thuvstuu should refuse to resigu eveu in the face of public demands and with their dirty political record closely linked with your owu; 3'ou, who havt openly declared that you preferred two thousand Chinese eheap laborers in the couutry to f tvo Scotchmen; you, wlio haye yoar olaim of |rie}ivlship for white woi'liineu to those iu your owu fouudry, because a meehanieal disability iu j'pur pet Oriental has preveuted you from discharging more expensive skilled white labor; you, Mr. Capitalist Toung, with your pa«t record a summary of suoh detaiīfe asthese, dare stand before the electors of Oahn and demaud \ r our disgraceful reoord under tlie late Reform pajty shall not be investigated v or maae a'u issue in this election!