Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 50, 26 July 1890 — Civil Service Refom and "Permanence in Office. [ARTICLE]
Civil Service Refom and "Permanence in Office.
Ag.«iH that aiitiqnatocl and miemeemo nfe}' bag tlje P. C. A. h&s for nol>ody iuit. s'hallow eraj)iri«s. . 'llho Elele take* no advice frorrj ahallow fountains ao<l wou!d rather for§v r er he "4f: raue< s : ' tlray aG</ept the The Natioual Refoini Party will do its dnty, It will restore to office men who were urbitarily removed by prejndiee, eaprice,, and vu]gar fivor, to niake rootu for immigr;ints wl.o have bo politics jvnd are possibly ,!drnmmed out" soldiers who were naisīed fo blindly hHndle tha rifle in 1887.-— ouly that 3 and nothing more.