Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XII, Number 25, 31 January 1891 — CARDINAL MANNINGS LETTER. [ARTICLE]


| P«ri», 9. - The , * uew review <Uyote*l to Chtis- - eeouoim , a l<&tter froiu C*xviuukl Iu tl\i> hU wuin«nc« "ri '*\orto v \*e h*ve str&n£led l\v iu^ividu*lism. Thb *ill *kow lium*u soiuotlivu£ a;h! uol>i«r ihaa -\u> tu j>ur«\y iiivli>id«al. PolītK «m* aaid oooi&āttuste of tin»* mod«m nvli v x»i Wx» bad t)ieir <>Hy. tw«uticUi c<futxin will b« *ltogeti\*r toi tlio »s.* nill iu&ure camisoix * Cl»rUttiktt