Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XIV, Number 4, 23 January 1892 — INDEPENNDENT CANDIDATES. [ARTICLE]
The vroods is apparcntly full of them. Wheu Messrs. Bush and Wilcox conceived the idea of gtartijig a B6w party it was not because they had any objectioris to the principles of the "f?ational Keform Party, but it wa« b©c«n«« ttiey realized that,it was too sturdy and hone»t a party for them to jnanipulate. They knew that the natiye vote is tbe controling one, and they thooght that tbey could control it, »ad right ltere is >vhere they made tbeir na«»take; the same sph-it of disseution lhat creftted their party will destroy it, 3jt was not $upprising to old residents that they sh6uld make a mistake of this kind, viz: To thiuk that they and they only cotild be the Savio*ft of Hawaii, but that Messrs. Eoss, Ashford and Marques shouldbe duped by their pretentions is a surprise. If tl3ere principle that has induced the.se gentlemc» W WOīi . ng«lu&fc its, we _yct t<J leai-n what it is. We fear that this is not <jase, bnt that tjbey have pinned tlieir faith to Bush and Wileoi al>iiity to control the li6nvv natite vote whleh they Ihink is in the woods.
If there are any of our readers tliat wonld like to eome in on the winning side, we enn assure them that this is not the case, the Hawaiian voters are fully as muddled in their political opinions as their foreign brother; they are honestly muddlKd tlic peculiar doctrine advocated in the "Ka Leo" dnring the past six nioiiths. Mechanics and workingnien do not take kin3ly to politics, it is a hardship after working all day to leave their coiafortable home to atteiid a political meeting; theire ia nothing about politics in thiscountry to tem.pt any man to dabble in thein, If some of the independent candidates are rnnning from a sense of daty we ean say that tbere are men ,froni the Mechauics' Union and Hui Kalaiāina that have been worlcirig for months, not only from a sense *of duty, bnt have spent their time and money for the pnrpose of joining with the natives and the natives with the foreigners, aad puttiug up the best ticket possibl'e. Their worl< has beeti' [purely patriotic and u»selfish, men' that abh'or polftics havē p«t their! | shonlder to the wheel for this pnrposo | j and victory is in ouv grasp. \ j It has been woil earned wilh Woik) j and paUenee, when lo! anew dangor. ! arises, that of independent eaiuli-' ldates. We would not dispute theirj 1 right to elect theniselvf>" if ; under the' |oircurastances," they had a right to do' 'so. But wlien thev know that every{ vote c*,st for thera means one vote for ; jthe Liberal Party, they know thatj j they are doing this ccmntry and them-| aelwa irreparable wrong. Tiieyj eome before the cOuntry without platforua or priuciples to upholu oniy; their owu selfish nauie aud mtevest!s ; j therefore, we say down wiih tlio In- i depeudonts, voto for the Liberal rartv, if you will, but an Tndependentj kever, and the man thaf doef deserves' to be sit upon by nionoply and trusts from now until doomsday. The ean-® didates for Noblō on the Natidnal Be-' form ticket have eaeh stepped forth 1
and honestly aud e.'irnestly plcdger (•hemPi lvrs to uphold tlie intercsts ol the mgchanic. and workingnian iu thif countiy, and we know that the3' hnvc every reason ' tr> do so. thev art popular men, both with t.lie naiīvet and foreigners. "We don't want an} maccaroni nbblēs; we dou't want an\ moh so far lost to honejty in politics tliat thej'Vill consent to act ap spie? on a p6Titical committeethnt thpy arc opposed to. We don't want indfcpendent candidates whose election wovild paralize all fnture politic:il org.anization, whosC eleetionwoulei practically saj'' to us : that it Was useless in this couutry to organize and vote to'gether for our own safety .
' Our <3ifferetit interests, rel<g-ir ii ;uicl uatioiiality must be represe_nted 4 this is the iie'kel that \ve plaee before yoTi. you weil know that it4s impossible to suit all. "Wliat we ask is iu votiug, not to suit your own personal eapricg, but to vots for the goocl of the eomitry, aud Ly so doiag you will nse the patienco and forbearaiico that has bcen previoasly exercised -by the mecbauics āud workiugm.cn that submit this tioket to you.