Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume V, Number 52, 29 December 1866 — Resting Forever. [ARTICLE]

Resting Forever.

[Ti;.\ *•'t,.\'! ion. j

'l'mu : — lil.M IN«. AT Hu.ME. I ♦lo\ hillv, ji»y{uiiy, jnyfu 1!v "i), A < tiji\v,ir'l w M»;ir t" rlt** ī'»r h*"»in»*, 'l'h'* j r!.t vt •(■ I rcpHM' af m I of ne'fr «■ r i (11 mIT Th" j>l h'( 1 \vhrrc ail r*»atntiui t \veary >!»;ill <:easc, 'l'lii' pl.ne \vhcre\s ?>o M»rro\v, nor sinnin£, nor it;l;f11, \Vli(. ri' jnv's cverflo\vii)!, r , aml ix»*odami ( 'io. Ceased ;ill onr O j«»yttil Wl' l I lx\ Uestim.j forL'Vcr at hoine far awnv. .loyfuilv. joyl'illv. Je:?us is ni^h, O c|ravu to thc lA'iuU'r, his orilcrs ol»ov ; 'i'hun, on Satan. thc fli\sh aiul the w orM, We'll rnari-h joyous on with our banncr.s unfurlc(l, Tili thc day hrcak ujion us, 0 hasten thatilay, Wlumi, wo'll enter the honie larawny. C/io. Ceasi'd all o»r waiuU , rini's, O jovful we'll he, Kestinir forevcr nt hoine far away. .loyfnlly, joy(»lly. ji'yfiilly eoine The ani;els ol lory to bear us uj) home, To the rest far a\vav ui the heautiful land, To joiu in the inusieaml joys that iie'erciul ; O ri.se. I'ollow on, aml \vith tliem joyous soar To the home f,ir away, where is rcst ever more. C/iu. Cea«sc(l all our w:»mlerings, 0 joyful we'il l»e» forever ai honie far a\vay. Hawaii.