Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VI, Number 30, 27 July 1867 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Frr« bhcr*zs**A* U&i-m, I*ĪX 21 Reports of the gr»in and fruit erops in al! parts of thc cnuntrv indic«tca moft abundant barrest. 'i'he South—the starving Soufh— will hare a surplu* for eiport. Southen> wheat ha» aireadyi>een receiTed at Char!est<m f»od Sirannah. 90me of it b?iog en route for New York. The prospect of a magaificent harreat ha» produced a bctter feeling in commercial circles, (hough for the pre»eot trade continue« du)l. The Emperor of Fraoce has extended invitation.* to all ihe crowned heads on «anh to visit hi* great »how at F«ris. Mcot of the inritatiooa have heen arcepted. An unmisukabie ca»e ofcholera tra* not«ccd in Newr Tork June I7th. īnm 0* henani* Haioa, Jm\j I. A h frore New Orleans receired at Wasbington says tbat Maximiliat\ tras eondemned to death and shot June 19lh. Subwquently the news was oficially conflrmed. Jt »5 reported on good authority that tbe cuy of Meneo wa* captun>d Juue 20th. The intelligence of the death of Maximtlian pro« doeed pre«l e»citement atnong the foreign Ministers at W«sbk»gton. The £mperon of Ausiria anii Fraoce hatc beeo notified of the evenl. Juarez refuses to give up the lxx]y to the Emperorof Auttrm. V f era Cruz still ho!ds ouL Juarez, it is said, consented utMViilingiy to the execution of Alaiimilian, bui \vas forcrd to the oct by the Mexican leaders and people. Vem Cruz aunendered June 27th \vithout b!oo<Jsbed aod is quiet. The intel|igence is «■on/irnied that Santa Ana was shot on the rnortiing of June 25th. Fr«m lb« 9*rrMn*-nt<> l*oloo, )u\y 13. The members of Congress, hnving returned fr»m a free confprence »vith their constituents, hnve n«sembled nt Wsshington for the purpose of engaging in sucl» legislation as the of the present may seem to require. fhe dispatches of yeslerdny show that n mnjcri!y of the members enter upon thetr duties with undiminished zenl, nnd thnt they seem lo fully apprecintc the necessity of dccisive and maniy legislation. The extra aes."sion w«s rendered necessary in part by the pl»t of Johnson nnd Stanberry and thcir tools to remove General Sheridnn from iiis commnnd and to reinstate in authority the murderers and rioters of New Orleans. The House, hy o large rote, on the first day of the sossion, passed a resolution " returning the thanks of Congress tn Genernl Sheri(rin for the a b]c aml fnithful performance of his duties ns military commnnder of the Fifth District." A resolution of thanks wns ulso adopted tendcring the thnnks of Congress to Generols Sicl<les, Schotield nnd Pope, commnnders of o(her districts in the South. The Kcconstruction Committee is reported to hi\ve ngreed upon u biil to be submitted, whieh is deBigned to render it impo?sible for the President' ond his C«binet to ngain nnnul ihe work of Congress. The PrcsidcnC in viev\ ofthe earnest splrit rnnmfcsted by Congress, nnnounces his wilU ingness to npprnve all bills whieh mny be passed relnlinfir to tho Keconstruction laws alrendy pnssed, with the understanding that he is opposed to the entire Congressional schcmc. lli.h position has bcen so well understood, and his designs also, th it it is scnrcely necessnry for him, while signing a hill becnuse he knows it wouki otherwise be pnysed over his veto, to nnnounee thnt he is opposed to the entire scheine and will prevent thc enforcemept of the law if possible. Scnator Anthony oflercd a risolution designed to confine the action of Congress at its pre»ent session to 41 remoring obstructions whieh hnve been or are likely to be placed in thc wny of a fnir execution of the Acts of Kcconstruction before ndopted by Congress," and declaring further legislntion inexpedient. Scnntor Sumner, who is alwnys vigilant while danger threntens, nnd who is always manly nnd outspoken in expressing his eonvictions oflered a sul)stitute, to the eflect that " the Senale proceed to dKj>ntch the publie busine?s requiring attention, without undertnking to limil the nction of Congress to anv specinl subject." *The dispntchcs of yestcrdny sny thnt five of the nine members of this Committce will report in fnvor of the impeachment of the Presidcht. If such n recommendntion is receivcd from thc Commitfe the impenchment trinl will undoubtedly toke palee. Kcciproci(y Trea4y. It is reportcd by theTelegraph thnt a Reciprocity Trenty hns Imen concluded between the United States aml the H.iw;iiinn lslnnds. lt wns nlso rutnored tlnu there \Vere negotintions for a purchnse of these Islnnds, but tlicse nre discredited.