Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 10, 6 March 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


l>rirk *'CimV'r;ti^c" arrivcti:*rom Ssn on :hc 2-i }T»ncring news to the 13th of February. \V> noiiee t'ne foiiowine it*»m*. j American. W;>nnV .'onstitutional amend-■ ineni rci*iru'inp tne rights of American citi:,n -vi 4 ,v,0 Statea, February Oth.; It reatS: "No (iiscrimination shall be 1 made amone citizcns of the United States in j the exerci«e of the elective franchise or in ' thc right to hold office tn any State on ac-| ;<>unt of coior, race, nativity or creed." Cor{"U'- amendment. proscribing Chinamen on j o! was re]ected. ! Tlse S< nate yr-terday pas. c ed the propo?ed ; an.rndment a? amended V*y W >.-on. > Y a vote ol 40 to 16. | V .jit.\n-e Committee« are or;ranizing in the city of New York for the suppre?sion of 'nnie rmd the nddance of corruption, whieh havc i«ocoine so wide spread ns to threaten even thv Courts and defy all ordinary reme- j ! Jamc> T. Brady. an eminenl lawyer of New York city, died yesterday morning of apopkxy. Smail pox ha? made its nppearance in 1 .N' w York—over 100 deaths from the pestil-; tn< e m the weeks prereding the 29th inst. The Marvlnnd Cong-ressmen petition the | rrtsident for the pardon 9f Dr. Mudd, con-j victed a> accessorv after the fact to the mur-1 dtr o{ Lmeoln, and the Pre.sident promises j to pnrd(ni hun U-i\>re March 4th. | C;ticb Cus-hing'i? mission to 13oi, r ota for the : ri-ht oi way to buiid a ship eanal over the ! lstlunu?t of Darien is a failure. | The Union Pacific RaiUvay was laid do\vfi to the one thou.«andth mile-post on the 'J'l«i oi Jaminry. The case of a {jirl in Wisconsin, foutteen years o!d, who has heen fora numberof days m a state nf trance, showing neither signs of life nor of decny, attracts curious attention. i're-<ident l>ae/, of thc rcpublic of Snn DominL''», has so!J the Mand of Alta Vela to a Freiich company, ignoring the forinersale to Ai!»cru-ans. The American Consul has protes.ted and scnt for a war vessel to enforce ln authnrity. The civil war in Cuba nppears to be unch»*ckcd, nnd in a worse muddle than ever. 'l'he insurgents will not yield, and are carryini: on ho<tilities in a barbnrous style. 'i'he l'araguayans havc lost Angostura, their last stronghold, and L«opez hns lled the . ouotiy. liUropcau. The French i'aHiameiU nssembled on the lSth. <m whieh occasion Napoleon delived a spccch fr«»m the throne full of professions of j>o(\ce and eamest intentions in favorof greater liberty. He avows crcat confulence in the people, but at the snme time chielly congratuiatcs himse)f thnt the nrmy is in a condition to enlorce respect il the peopleattempt towithhold it. He thinks the Conference hns efiectually patchcd up the <juarrel between the T«rks and l*reeks. Among thc points of interuationallaw more cleariv dcfined by the lute Paris Conference was this: that io en«'ourageprivateering, insurrection or millitary expeditions ag*ainst the territory of a friendly Stnte is a violation of ioternational law. Kngland, who committed these very oflenses ag:ainst the United States for fouryears, withoutever oneringanapo!ogy, consented to this new and inore precise detiiiition of the lnvv of nations, because it hapj»ens to ?uit her prescnt nttitude on the Ea-u-ni (~un. lt is at last nnnounced that thc King of Clreece aiul all his Cobinet are agreed on penee aud the Paris protoool. A rcport reaches us from London yester« «!ay, that the Turks and Montenegrans have reccntly had a b!oody battle. Particulars do not tceompany tho rcport. Montenegro (Black Alountain) is a European province of the Turk;sh Empire, containing a hardy population of 150.000 —30,000 of whom bear arms and arv ranked ainoop: tlie best soldiers of Europe. They are all members of tlie Christttn Church attd natural enemies of the Turks. l»urlingnnic and hts Chinese Embassyhad .i pcrsonthntcrview with Napoleon on Saturdov. it wns satisf.\ctory ail round. The fonner ne\v< received bv way of Euroj»e that ihe rebels have possession of Hakodadi is conhrmed; n.v also the news that the Miktdo ha* taken up h>s residence at Yedo. Accordmg to the Shanghae Me\vs, K«ss Browne is held as a hostage in Pekin for tbe security of theChinese Euit>assadors now wiih Bur!mguim\