Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume VIII, Number 32, 7 August 1869 — English Column. FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
English Column.
Tho Arr.cr;cin Mail S!eimcr llnko nrr:vr l . jrrc r pt'v on the 15-:I 5 -: i(»?t., 10 davs 1 . v ?n l*rarcifco, hnnnne new? to th? 21*:otJu!y. Wc e'.ip the fr..i'owing ;te.Tis cf for?ign n c.v.<. : >i. : :vv Ycbk, Juīy 13. A d.spatch to the 7«./•'L'nm ?sv> ttiC Frer.~h c--.bie was succt u\y <atided th»s n.omin? at St. I'ierre. ar. i -a «p.-iee ni *de wnh the thore cable eon-iic-:*»vth ?h=-' hnd cftice there. T:;c j'rilune's New York special says it is .-'jrrc.'i;.v re { r K)ned that the dirtctors 0f the At,ant-c Cab!e have secured ttic •:ofitrj.ii.'ii: interest in the Frer.ch ("3b]e. l.'i' iliTjhl credits the report, and cnY;s up; u An.erican cip;tai*.?ts to Uy a ealle that ;v;i. i c o'.vned and operated by Americans. V," vro:«*. July 12. To day about !;::v ;;s of .New Jer»ey paid tnc-ir re- : to Stcrc!ary Robescn. Severa» eomp ;;:i'.-'itsfv «p'.'eenei were make. In tr»e ( i h;>- r-i;;arks. Secrc-t j .ry Rob*;.son s:»; i t;.c p!iicy by wnieh the rebeihon waa fi.T:.iy ō-ui,: d, vvr.> the po!icv cf cct;on, r r ei \ f'./fv. k sion ;to the poi:Vy of ;.*.-;:.t a-.'/:»;ni>tr.it.on n»u?t !<V iru:l*. V» »:h no st.»rtiHjg nnneiuneet:;> ui'- v.< nr: f<. --:ou of a sp!endid poiicy the :i<i:.i:rii-irat;t»u oi l , r<.-s;dent Grant pr<jfers to < ( ii'.ii-*. pvr>is:entiy, nnd hune>.tiy pcrform -. ai:d tru-t> it--;;f. without rrserve, fi f.«- i;,:-!,;■;•:{ of rhe people, and, act:ng ):i :r.-:,< r<v wuh tho other bf.ir;che.s of the ' if>v mme.'i!. ;hv K\'.-<*ut. , vc I.)epartmenthopes Kj ; '• a!».e īn th" fullness of time to present a cn-juuv in.»l* »is p.»rts; credit reestib1i , r.:. i iudu c :ry ai; eh 1 rine!> ; and naiiona! pro«pcr;ty, '.v,ri i»- h'<:inr unrtrni:-hed at home and n: !. (hihin j' , nu f r- nr< ; dispir. ; !r-d ,-i( the i:rm •<m-'M of the L'rnt c d St»tf*s neutrali!v :i\v-, ,iii » it is s;»id the 15ritish Lr-:nition are 1 i)-.;u.»ni'.d īn not hiKlini: yct a parallel c.rv- ! ; j the Aiah;Viii.i. !) \l !\ li'.i- arrsved ?.t Havana, \vith nine !iU-:hr<.:! p.'L ,! :v-<r S;-an:s!i troops. (h'•!• r 1 i*- ;>r<?'lticin'_r mueh d;stross to the h (rnc; s m Cuha, the hi'. i1:1 mnny eas cut oii' (l;e:r suji>p!ies «•: ;n»:i fnod from a/liictetl p!aces. 'ih. - J\ipe d<h.vi» r "d an aiioeulion on the Jin;r, in whieh he m:t!»es i;rievous «•<i:r< ! a!'-.i>es of the Church by haly, Au-*r;n, HunL:ary nnd l'russia. A nr-.v rv!-irmn!v troalv with Canada is
-1 iik' i at '! :• :iMirv <ietect:ves have rccently b;roken j:j:•» arrani:!--mcnts oi' a of counter* ; w r- ui' Unii-.il St iti*s currency, extcnding over New Vorli, M i >.;ii;. 1 aii<! WeMem Statcs. (i: >]•/<> i\ i!>n«ly has lately nssii»nedtoedu- »• .it:.'ii il puip-!s.\s s l,ooo.ooUut"railroad bonds, m. S. uml 1,000 \w Fu>rida F: v<' t!!o?:s-!Uil C'!iin-imena are beiui, r shippe<.l iyr;l tr;>m to New Orieans to w'i rk i':j p!a::tations. An :iL r, 'nt (ii >oiiil' Tenne?sce plantcrs ( .)une 'J">. (' ;:ti.:r:c<! with scme Chiucse in S.in I'mii. i-.M {o ti.ruish the«n i-'O.OOO Chmese !.i: •: r,- !•) w<*rk on Southern plantal;:ons. T!ie p!antfrs are to pjy S"JO per menlh in •••>:d i'-r iive yei«rs, and defr»y t!ie co:>ts of ition trem C'hina the destinaticn of ;.i!>;>rers. Tiie v.)'i\uio ef Colma, in the Me.\ican S[ »te ef t!iat n.nne on the I'aeilie const. is r- p 'M"d to !>e in a tVavful state of eruption, !; iv>! - driven be all the >nhabitants neur it !rem iiieir homes into the open tieids. l : rom Suk we kuvo news oi an intorv!cw cn Siitulay hetween Voung, J i ! r ;e Trumbull ai:d the commer- . :al j inv. The conversatiou turncd on t!ie t!vatment ot" the Mormons by President ilr.int's Administration. Voun_u r !nformed Trumbuil that he wouUl probably hear soon < ; >.\:ie Ft dera! elticers bei«i£ expelled from , l"t\b. Trumbu!l advisrd him to make k:iowu his jjrievatices to Gnmt. Youn£ de- . .ual that Grant had only removed Moriiii>us. and that without cause. He further : ! t!uu llio .\lormons wouUl not obey a law i : C\v.;:n ss ar;ainst polytjamy, because Conl;i\\«-:> !unl no riglit to interfere m that matter. Truir.bu!l uave him to understand that the w mti.»t 1 e et>eyed, and tl»e parties separatla inij:ua!ly dissatistied with eaeii other. , Tiiorntou. l>r:t!>h Mimster at \Vashin«;umi. announcī S ihut his GovtTmucnt wlll urran::e f, r nn nuenvational e.\hibition ot the piih!Liots of !abor. 10 be held at Loiuion, IS7O. Stnator Sumner thinks the Alabama quest (»:i ean ai!"ord to res: awhile. ]n..L.Ani\ —*Lonpon, July 9. The Timcs !; ;: u.!s the j>ostponement ol the dcluite on the ciaims with sa;istaetion. Their jniroduction now woulii serve no ; the L;ener.\t ser.se of weariness with respeet to i:.e subjeet ou both sides necessitates the intvrval v l l n eonsiderab!o poriod l»efore it is rc?umcd. L:ii:laud is ready to iisten to any j ro;- >s.i!s irom Ameriea, but to display a < e- re to roeeive them f;ivorably wouUl tend t > increase and not !essen thedemand. When .Mr. ,M.>:'ev cotisiders the tn Ameriea <ueh ihat a ta\\ty eonsists,Mit wnh the honor e; Kr._;l.itid w;!i sjtisfy America he may ndi!rcs>- t!u* Govrrrunent forarcnewal; only su,-!> a tr-.Mtv will have cv ehnnee ot aeeepianee. Noihini; mcre is de>tred than to> tive m peaee :\!HI :ioed wiil with a kindred naiian : !'Mt no lcss a dispos?uon exi?ts to s.ic.riticc :he i!)t-r-,st to liie dit:nity ol the country in • •nt'r;i!:; ;i:ty ur ju<t pretensions. The pu}■;H' w.m'l approve nny to ntgotia'e whu-h s;ems to forebcde vveakness. i*K\Ncr.. A spcciai to ihe Hcrald, date<l l\ins. Jaly l*J. snys : The Emj>eror yields his assent t » r e dc:ua:: i> uf the Corps Lep:- *. . :.. re cf wiiieh has been alreadv Tne eijange in the «uinistrv is not yet nnnounced, but the reorganizat lon ei the (\J::ie; wuhin a short tīmc is eeiwin. i'nr.>UL: ; :u'iii the whole e.f this crisis. the Einperor i;a> e\ercised his usuai t;».etandshrewd« iie mvlted nearlv «H thc l)«putics of Oie (\r ( s to a dinner and su»ree it S: v' u;id t!iis ttiorni(ig. Dur«ng the M*cek he i!;us c:ii»tted playfttlly \vith many of ihein, <>f oli s!uuies of opinion, £»vm£ «'Xpression to ra.niv u( !ho®e pt<juant sayings so attractive l » l - lene'imen. For iii?uace, to om? by v *huai ho !j.id U-eii uikea by the buttyu hoie
he svd : -Ah ! Men?. Bu:Tet. voa mein to tak«;' ho!«i n n;v ro-».t. fcr i'mt I ir:3y 5 uii hs-:W." To .1 ct< 'Jp cf w;:h \v?-<;<rr> h'"" 'A"?,? on the he sa;d : " You bv£:iD to treat n.e hke the c!d lien in the ; you r«re to cyt my 01*!=. t"»ke out my teeth s and ieave ine r.r : thir.jr l-ui r:y n3f:;e. whieh i« cor,« : dered To nnoTher he f3id : " The e> ''i'ooā prvve e eiriy that I mu?t c.V„ose U-t«een emp:re and reroiuiion; t»etwcen neither enn mdiYj. dua ! s h«e set up." Toc:?.er> he si;d : '• 1 w!!i crive fuli satisfnction to the a«piraton ei a!l puties. bat I have dcc:ded to cea«e concessions at the bour»iary {-Tescri't>ed m the Con=t;tution. Whiie the E:nperor*s ee-n--conduct durinq- the pa«t fetv dav* js ed as adroit, it is ne-i cons:der.i hkeiy to stop ?he sL*;tation for futher concession and re-