Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume IX, Number 15, 9 April 1870 — English Column. [ARTICLE]

English Column.


Not one nalion in Kuropc has yet mac\e a eompl«Je helween churcb nml .state. liut it ia new fXpect«d, if iK»fc fnlly d«*cMled. tliat 011 tbe tirstof January, 1871. tbe C.mton of Neuchatel. iu ,Sriteet land. uill eiuireiy cease lo govern or supporl Ujg cburcb. iSonth An»traHa bas in 33 yeare gained a populalion of 190.000. \Vitbout a peony of state aid, tlwy bave aecered M1 iTCOgui/>ml mini»ters of tbe Gospel—or one to 874 people; of whom 38 arc <Jbnrch of Bopland, 28 Congrejrational, 28 Roman C>tlholtc, 25 Wesleynn. 22 Bible Cbrißtmu, 21 rrimitirc MeUiodist, 21 Baptist, 20 Lutheran, aud 13 Pn*sbyteri»ni<. SAtJ*AVE I)eai».—Salnavc, thc H«iytien chief, was «<?cnted oa ihe Ioth of February. lle was 38 i years of a|je. 11» cntered the jy:my aa a private 1 soldH*r, and rose to ihe rank of captain of cavulry. | lu X>pceaber, 1858, whi-a Getfrard raiaed the j aULodard ot revolt. Salnavc made it a ruccoss. lle j vas ncxt beard of in the war against Spain, wlien Bbe attempted to rc-cstablish ber autbority in Pominiea. Ncxt Salnave commenced a movement against fJeffrard, wbo fled the country in 18t37, and ! Salnave was madc President. RevolU? followed I nntil Salnave was placed in Uie power of bis j «•mmi»**, wbo have finisbed him. j Tbe dccree of tbc l'ope instantly prorcguing the | General Conncil in ca.se of bis death is of the most absolnte and arbitrary cbaracter. After his death ! no meetinjr ean bc held, and if beld no aelion wiil > bc ralid tiil aftcr lliey arc ealleel together by iiia j succeMor, clcctcd by the cardinals. Under no clrcaniBtancef, and on no pretext, is tho Oouneil < to as<:iimc the privilege. And a similar rule be i maeU* sball prevail in the case ot nny future eoiineil, whcrever hcld. Moreover. any decree of «jiv eouneil in conlradiction of thia docree is ipso i ūielo nnll and void. And this notwithstauding the I *Con«»utution of Pope Alexander 111., and notwith- j any otlu*r law» to the contrary. Tbi3 i aen'on w not unprecedented, however mueh it as- : »erts fnpremacy of Pope over Oouneil j but a ; similar provision was made in case ot their death ! by l'ope Julius 11., whose Buccessor was cbosen by ! the cardinul?. aiul not by the Fifth Lateran Couucil. ; aad by I'opes Paul 111. and I'ius IV. at llie time of j tbc Coitncil of Trent.

A par&gr&ph in Uie Ecening Posl states tlr.it in ?weden tl»e licensiDg of dramshops is controIle(l in tbis way: Thi» public-hou?o liconscs for tlio sale ol liquors aro nut up at anction, and are sol<l for ca#h to thc liigliest bidder, tlms beconiinjr a c«mssdorable sonrcc of revenue to thc community. The ho«irs of closinj; arc fixed and strictly adhered Xo liquor ni:»y be sold to a child or drunkard, aud n»oiu»y canuot be recovered for liqnor sold on credit The bars provide wann food, tea, and colTeo: aml tha«e, to a certaln extent. supplnnt intoxicating drinks. This plan has been in opei alion for sonie years in different parts of Sweden, •witb tlie followinjr resnlts: Thirty-Hve years xgo Jhe annual constimption of home-made brandy in Swfdt-n was 25.000,000 gallons; now it is not more t.han «,000.000 £allons. The purchase of licenses liy companifs began in Gottenberg. in 1864, and in 1867 tbe company bad secured all the licenses in th<* cīty. wiUi entire cootrol of the retail sales. Fifares sbow tbe result: in 186j, according to poliee reports, 2.078 peraons \vere fined for (lnink«•ntu«ss: iu 1866.1.423; in 1867,1,375; and in 1868, 1.372. Tbe c:ises of delirium tremens in the hospitals bave diminished in propurtion, anel in a seaport of 68.000 inbabit-:ints cases of intoxicatiou are now rarely seen in thc streets.

The German papers say immigration to thc United States will be larger this year than ever. In France there are 470 beet-root factories, 116 in Belgium and 200 in Prussia. Last year Switzerland alone produced 2,500,000 tons of beet-root sugar. There is a scheme to sell the Brooklvn Navy Yard and build a new one on the west bank of the Hudson, opposite Hastings, sixleen miles above New York. A society has been formed in Paris, with a eapilal of 600,000 francs, for the developvnent of " musical a.rt in France, and the in<iasirics connected with it." The product of thirteen iron mines in the Lake Snperior region for 1869 was 633,259 gross tons, 709,387 net tons, atid the value was $1,168.190. The Yale studcnts are to havc a foot race ncar the close of the present tcrm, the distance to be thrce miles and the prizes $20 and 810. It cost Boston at tlie rate of nearly $4,000 per hour to rcceive and entertain the President at the Jubilee in June. Philadelphia has executed twenty-five criminals since 1789—one for mail robbery, two for piracy and the halanee for murder. Thenegoiiations for the transfer of West Florida have already cost Alabama $15,500, inc.lttding $5,000 spent in entertaining the Florida Commissioners at a Montgomery hotel. A steel eoil spring, sixty feet long, has just been made in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, the steel being five inches in width and three-sisteenths of an ineh in thickness. Tbis is the way they libel honest folks out West: "A little boy was asked if he knew where l;ars went, he answered yes— they went to New York, to write for the papers." Rosa Bonheur is noted as an agriculturalist and a stock raiser, as well as painter. Her fann is not of great magnitude, but lanrc cnough to keep over one hundred animaK mostly very odd looking specimens. An individual in Berne calls himself Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, and says he is a grandson of Napoleon I. He has published a pamphletdedicnted to Fmnce, entitled Sociely <tnd My Rights. He bears some resemhlanee to the Bonaparte family. Morrissey's Saratoga Club House is to cost 540,000, the furniture as mueh more, and the lair of the tiger $20,000. The par--sor of Ae Leland Brothers' big hotel at Saiaioga is to have walls of mirroTs, and is to cost $75,000. The New York Wor!d begins to admit that the National debt is being rapidly reduced. Other Detnocratic papers will soon hare to do the same thing, the figures are 100 mneh for them. The Nationa) Association, formed for the puTpose of securing such an amendment to the Constitution of the United States as will recognize tberein the existence of God, and ir*dicate that we are a Christian naiion, bas invited all American citizens who favor such an amendment, to meet, without distinction of party or creed, in Convention in Pittsbujg. Penn., on Thursday, the 3d day of Maieh next. Difficuhies having been thrown in the of the ladies obtaining anatomical instraction in Edinburgh, the Professors of Anatomy at īwo of the three Scotch Uniirersities hare eome forward to offer to the ladies ihe instnirtion whieh is denied them. The Professor of Anatomy in one of the London schools has also expressed his rcaditiess; to uiake arraugements for their nustructīon iu this branch of science. There is a delicate question pending in d»e New Or!eans Cusioin House. A lot of rattJe and dogs arrived ott an English ship, isnd were rcgnlarly going througīi, when it w»s fcnnd that nine pnps and fivo calves tvcre not on the hills of ianding. Thov uv!rc h.irn on thc voyage, nnel the Uilktd ol drow:iing thein.