Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 21, 27 May 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]

Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.

English Column.

J3his (orty.nine cit»z*ns who were r jrn in Africa. bjt on!y nine of them nre ' 'n : r. Tfie D»rwmians have a new ai!y in ' C« or£e who Buggeats that the rustic cc of chewing ihe end of a s!raw may fiint reminiscence of the tira* when ne liuman animhl was gramniverous. ! ! lt is nther inconvenient for peop!e toi lenow too nmeh. A sivant, learncd in com-| p.rative anatomy. uhile partaking. not Iong! ftgo, of & savory dish. supposed to consist ofi • onieken fixins," fuund io hi« plate a bone j waieli he recognized as the tbigh boae of n The museum of Vassar College eonUin»} one M' the most valunb!e eolleelion of bird®| in the country. h iociudQS about 1200 spe- j cies lrom North and South America, among| whieh are sever.i| type speci»nens and manyj onqinais of Audubon*s drnwings anddescrip-| ī'lOUi | A i'.iris correspondent. writing of the siege ! s?.ys : Thry tell of one lady hero who was ! so overcome by hcr appetite as to eat her beloved Inp dog. After a hearty meal she !oiked down at the little heap »f bones; te«rs tVii froin her eyes. »»Poor Bijou !" she ex-; claimed, '*how he would have rnjoyed them !'' i A tnusic teacher onee wrote that the u art ; (•t pl'ymg the violin req«iires the nicest per-| eppnou and the most sense of any art in the| known world." Whereupon a westem edi« j tor comments thus. u The art of publising a up\vsp:\pers ond making it pay, nod at tbe snne time making it please everybody, beats| hnd4!m' higher than a kite.' j i Another ehainpion o!d woman has turned i up in Kentucky. She is a negress, isover| 114 years old. of course, remember« VVash-l very well, Sjie l\ns h«d oinechildrenJ the y«)ungest, the only one ltving, being now 75 \vnrs of«ge. The most remarkoble thing| Rbi>ut this o!d lady that she never was the! nurse ol the futher of her country. [ ——— * Poor Louis Kossuth! Twenty yearsagp| the cynosurs of freedom»loving eyes ali overj tne \vorid. the hero of a gn\nd triumphal throi)gh th« United States, he is now dyingi 'n proverty in Turin % the dreBm of his l»fe-t..-uo unfuifiiled. Curiops!y enough it wasj tne e.wp dctat of Louis Napoleon th«t more ; t!utv anything else thw»rted his plan?. |ie r h;is Uved to see that rascal to his yeckoning, ! any rate. ■ S=gnor Biitz, while oo the oars, : stopped nt a st«tion where an npple boy j entered the troin. Blifz. after patroniiing !»im. cut open the apple and took a ailver haif do;lor out of it gfeat!y to the boy't «ston»| »>lf that i« the kind of frutt you! se!l. I'l» t«ke aootber/' said Blit*. whieh he; did. and lo! there wea another half*dollar| it. Biitz assuming great exciteinentj then asked the boy what he wou!d take for the whule basket appiea* saying it wou!d be! a Cf*nd specul«tion. But the lad refoted to ; even nt five cents apiee» nnd on !eavio<j the station, B!itz saw him»atedby the wail cuting open his unsoid app!es, io a vain s?arch for silvet half-doUars. But would «1 man of genuine gentlemanly instincts play; such a practicai joke as that ? Wb extract the fol!owing from ihe Seutfc ern Crcu with reference to thc coa>merce of Colony: For the yeir 1870. tho vaioe of total *«aports into the co!ony has been £4.639,015* while for the year 1569 it was X4»9*Hi, 126, show»ng a diff<rance of £337,1 11. With !«• fer«nce to the exports £roca the colony» tho teturns ahow for tbe quarter eoded Oeeem» 13, 1870, the amount ofi jCS7O.aJ2 m agatnst £701,726 for tbe correapondirg qualer of 1669, or an increaae t the last of IS7O of £107.985 over ihe exporw of ihe correspondtog quarter m$ the prettoua year. For the whole year of 1870, ihe u»u! vaiue of ezporta have beeo ai against £4221,923, beiog the raiue of ex ports of the pre?ious V e#r » Bbowing ao io i cf«ase on the cxports of the |tferious ywr o : £595,2*25.