Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 9, 1 November 1984 — Hospices Address Needs of Patients, Families [ARTICLE]

Hospices Address Needs of Patients, Families

November is National Hospice Month when Hospiee Hawaii and similar organizations set aside some time to tell you who they are and how they ean help terminally ill patients and their families. Several educational efforts are planned by various groups, among them a workshop on Loss, Death and Grief, for professionals on Nov. 5. Peter Lynch, MSW,

will present the workshop. There will also be a presentation for the community on Dec. 1 . lt is titled, "Coping with Grief and the Holidays." Hospice Hawaii exists for those seeking help when someone close is dying. Many in Hawaii grew up thinking that asking for help is admitting defeat.