Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 6, 1 June 1986 — At Sheraton Waikiki June 29July 1 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
At Sheraton Waikiki June 29July 1
First New Zealand Trade Expo in Honoluiu
The first New Zealand Trade Expo, featuring a unique display of Maori and New Zealand culture and trade products, will be held June 29-July 1 at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. The event is being co-sponsored by the Department of Maori Affairs of New Zealand and Joe Brown Enterprises Ltd., a private concert promotion firm with offices in Australia, New Zealand and Honolulu. The New Zealand Trade Expo has received official support from the Board of T rustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, the State House of Representatives and the State Senate. OHA has adopted a resolution pointing out that a number of recent cultural exchanges between the riative people of Hawaii and the Maoris of New Zealand have reestablished historical bonds between the indigenous peoples of those countries. In offering its support, the Board of Trustees noted that "these exchanges have successfully demonstrated and confirmed a depth and quality of kinship that is warmly enriching . . ."
At OHA's request, similar resolutions were adopted recently in both houses of the Legislature. Howard Morrison, co-chair of the Task Force Trade Mission Team, is recognized as one of New Zealand's musical superstars. He will be performing at the Expo and is in charge of entertainment throughout the event. The dedication ceremony takes plaee at 7 a.m. Sunday, June 29, at the Diamond Head lawn of the Sheraton Waikiki. It will consist of a formal bringing together of the Hawaiian and Maori peoples. According to Expo sources, a host of VIP's and government dignitaries are expected to attend, including the Minister and Secretary of Maori Affairs, the Queen of the Waikato Confederation of T ribes and possibly the Governor-
General of New Zeland, the Governor of Hawaii and other loeal officials. Events planned for Expo include a "See, Hear and Taste New Zealand" evening, featuring foods flown from New Zealand and entertainment by Morrison and his New Zealand
Maori Polynesian Revue. Entertainment from Hawaii will be provided by Danny Kaleikini and Marlene Sai. Sponsors of the Expo hope it will be instrumental in pioneering the importation of a wide variety of New Zealand products into Hawaii.
A State Senate resolution supporting the New Zealand Trade Expo is being presented here. From left to right, Office of Hawaiian Affairs Administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele III; Howard Morrison, Expo representative; Senator James Aki; and Tommy Taurima, artistic director of Maori culture at the Polynesian Cultural Center.