Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 7, 1 July 1986 — STATE CIVIL SERVICE [ARTICLE]


Adult Corrections Officer 1 (Trainee)$l,294/mo. Employment at OCCC, Halawa Hi. Sec. Fac., Waiawa Correc. Fac. & the Wm's. Fac. in Kailua) ineome Maintenance Worker I $l,187/mo. (Statewide Employment. New grads w/Bach. deg. in Humanistic area or those meeting exper. req. may apply.) Licensed Practical Nurse I & II$1,293 & $l,387/mo. (Hosp./lnsti., Statewide Employment) Registered Professional Nurse II & III $1,715 & $l,982/mo. (Hosp./Insti., Statewide Employment) Social Worker (Child Protec. Svc.) III & IV $1,793 & $2,043/mo. Statewide Employment For more information, visit, write or eall the Dept. of Personnel Svcs., 830 Punchbowl St., Room 406, Hnl., HI 96813; ph.: 548-4031. Ofc. hrs.: M-F, 7:45 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. On the neighbor islands, forms are available at the County Personnel Svcs. of Hawaii, Kauai and Maui and branch libraries on Lanai, Molokai and at Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.