Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 9, 1 September 1986 — Inuit Conference Backs Restitution [ARTICLE]
Inuit Conference Backs Restitution
A resolution supporting Hawaiian claims against the United States government was adopted by delegates attending the Fourth General Assembly of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference July 28-Aug. 3 at Kotzebue, Alaska. Resolution 86-10 "Supporting Native Hawaiian Restitution from the U. S. Congress" reads: WHEREAS, the Native people ofHawaii areseeking restitution from the U.S. Congress for past actions by the gouernment of the United States on the Islands of Hawaii; and
WHEREAS, Native Hawaiians are seeking a resolution of their claims in the U.S. Congress; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT 1CC supports the Native Hawaiian settlement of claims and restitution before the U.S. Congress. The Office of Hawaiian Affairs was represented at the conference by Trustees Moanikeala Akaka, Hayden Burgess, Moses K. Keale Sr. and Thomas K. Kaulukukui Sr. Burgess addressed the group in his role as a vice president of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples.
ln addition to passage of the resolution, UHA s interest was also advanced by associating with indigenous people from other areas of the world who are willing to act in solidarity with Hawaii's indigenous people. According to the OHA de!egation, the conference also provided an opportunity to contact Hawaiians who have been in Alaska for a number of years and who have been out of contact with the activities occurring in Hawaii.