Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 9, 1 September 1986 — Maui Ennehmeni Programs End with Ho 'ike [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Maui Ennehmeni Programs End with Ho 'ike

By Stanley Ki'ope Raymond II Community Resource Specialist, Maui

Two Hawaiian culturebased enrichment programs marked the end of their respective summer seasons July 30 with ho'iI ke at Lahaina's Armory I Beach Park makai of MaI lu'uluolele Park and on the Waihe'e school campus. Both enrichment proI grams are for students in *Grades l-8andsponsored

by The Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, the Department of Education, Alu Like ine. and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. Purpose of the six-week programs are to: • Assist students in increasing their educational achievement in basic skills. • Reinforce and enrich students' current academic achievement. • Increase student awareness in Hawaiian history and culture. The Waihe'e program, coordinated by Debra Nakama, incorporated the services of Sue Louden's Allianee for Drama Education. Her program, "Getting Dramatics," was a fX3sitive force in building and improving self-esteem. Some quotes from Waihe'e students bear this out.

1 feel happy when I enter Kumu Louden s halau. She gives me a feeling I ean do things without being shy and bashful." Another statement: "We learned about trust in drama class. I trust the people in our halau. I trust my famiiy because they trust me. You've got to trust someone in order to express your feelings. If I didn't know how to do my work, I would turn to a friend or my kumu for help. Trust is a good word to know." If the methodology has a familiar ring, it is because it was part of the halau approach initiated by OHA Community Kupuna Coordinator Betty Kawohiokalani Jenkins in 1985. In the halau, the main focus is the student as an individual.

Through the Hawaiian concepts of lokahi, ohana and aloha, the staff concentrates on building positive selfimages in students. Parents comment that the program is an extension of the home and are very supportive and cqoperative. The drama halau fit in perfectly. Integral to the program, too, was Kupuna Lum Ho. The children quickly eame to love and respect her. Increased awareness of Hawaiian history and culture is well served by

supplementing formal education with the life experienee fhat kupuna ean snare. The Lahaina program, coordinated by Joy Gaston, was also interesting because it concentrated on theHawaiian relationship to the sea. Students went on field trips to the oeean and received experiential education. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey of Lahaina were the gracious kupuna and along with other members of the Lindsey

elan showed how an ohana ean all kokua with different aspects of a project and then pull together to complete it. As an exciting culmination to the Lahaina program, the students were able to padd!ed the double-hulled eanoe Mo'olele and get a feel for the legacy of their ancestors.

These are the Lahaina participants who gathered for their ho'ike following the 1986 summer program.

Waihe'e parents take refuge in the cooling shade of this large tree to watch program.