Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 3, Number 11, 1 November 1986 — Na Mele O Maui Benefits Cultural Education [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Na Mele O Maui Benefits Cultural Education

Three-Dav Festival Nov. 7-9

The 14th Annual Na Mele O Maui Hawaiian dance and song festival, staged as a benefit for County of Maui high school students with an interest in continuing their Hawaiian cultural education, grabs the spotlight Nov. 79 throughout the Kaanapali Beach Resort area. Three Oahu halau, two of them making repeat appearances because of brilliant performances in past festivals, and one from Hana, Maui, will highlight the Emma Farden Sharpe Hula Festival on Saturday, Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m. in the Hyatt Regency Maui Monarchy Ballroom. The hula festival is only one of the highlights of the three-day proceedings. It honors a Iiving legend in the world of hula and song. Aunty Emma herself is sure to be there in all her sparkling glory. Returning for their fourth appearance will be the keikis of Howard and Olana A'i's Halau Hula Olana of Aiea. Kumu Hula Frank Kawai Hewett and his Kuhai Halau O Kawaikapuokalani of Waimanalo return for the second year in a row after a grand 1985 performance. Also performing from Oahu is Kumu HulaDenise Ramento and her Aloha Pumehana O Hawaii Nei from Waipahu whieh won fourthplace in the girls hula kahiko at this year's Queen Liliuokalani Hula Festival. The Hana halau making its first appearance is Na Mamoalii O Kauiki under Kumu Hula Namahana Kalama. Her youngsters grabbed first plaee honors in the girls hula kahiko division of the 1986 Queen Liliuokalani Hula Festival. A solo appearance by Mokihana Gushi of Maui is also scheduled. The festival will again have Betsy Hinau as mistress of ceremonies. Other programs on the three-day schedule are: Friday, Nov. 7 — 9 a.m. to 12 noon, over 800 ehildren from Maui's public schoo!s perform selected Hawaiian songs at the Royal Lahaina Tennis Stadium. These youngsters from kindergarten through eighth grade compete for cash prizes.

Saturday Nov. 8 — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., displays of Hawaiian arts and crafts at all Kaanapali hotels. Sunday, Nov. 9 — lp.m., Hawaiian luau show at Maui Marriott Resort, featuring Karen Keawehawai'i, Jaime Lawrence, Maile Kaaiakamanu, A1 Lagunero, Ali'i Noa and Hewitt and the A'i's with their respective halau in still yet another appearance. There are no admissions for the childrens song eontest and the Hawaiiana crafts displays. Nominal fees,

however, are charged for the Emma Farden Sharpe Hula Festival and the Sunday luau. Na Mele O Maui was incorporated in 1973 as a nonprofit group whose sole purpose is to preserve and perpetuate the Hawaiian arts through the ages. The threeday event is sponsored by the Kaanapali Beach Operators association with Dick Bacon as its perennial chairman.

Irmgard Aluli, seated, of the famed kamaaina and talented Farden sisters and her group Puamana entertain at Hui 'Ana: A Hawaiian Celebration, marking the observance of the 100th anniversary of the Kamehameha Schools. The Oct. 18- 19 event was a joint venture of the Bishop Museum and the Schools, replacing their respective festival and ho'olaule'a. It is on Maui that Aunty Irmgard's sister, Aunty Emma Farden Sharpe, will onee more be honored by Na Mele O Maui with the Emma Farden Sharpe Hula Festival Nov. 8 at the Hyatt Regency Monarchy Ballroom. A complete wrapup on Hui 'Ana will appear in the December issue.